Yes, We Got Elfed...
Dec 22, 2007 at 11:00AM
Doug in Advertising, Fun, Humor

…several times, in fact. I wasn’t going to say anything about the experience, but I have to tell someone so I can get on with my life!

First it was my cousin, Mike. Then Frank. Teddy hit me the same day. And then Kerri and Gary! And Candy and her friend. Even my brudda-from-anudda-mudda, Michael, and his missus, Sisko, elfed both Dawn and me!

I’m sure Office Max is getting a nice ride from the viral advertising. Pretty clever campaign.

Click on any elf and watch our “elfing” by Michael and Sisko. They even elfed themselves! That’s Dawn and me in the #2 and #4 slots.


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