If you didn’t catch Monday’s CNN YouTube Debate, you missed a pretty good “show”. The questions were far more poignant than the usual stale queries posed by the media, and the format allowed the person asking the question to decide whether the responding candidate had adequately answered. I hope Wolf Blitzer was watching!
I’m saddened by such a “Hollywood entertainment” approach to extracting more direct answers from candidates. We’ll see if the format pans out in the long run. But for now, it seems to be a step, albeit an odd one, in the right direction. Here’s an answer to one question I found particularly telling. Once a class action trial lawyer, always a class action trial lawyer.
Here’s a video link to all the questions and the candidates’ responses. If you watched, did you learn anything meaningful about the Democrat candidates? Will you watch the forthcoming CNN YouTube Republican debate? What do you think of this format?