Got this yesterday from Mike…
Pinocchio, Snow White and Superman are out for a stroll in town one day when they come across a sign that reads, “Most Beautiful Woman in the World Contest.”
“I’m entering,” says Snow White.
After half an hour, she rejoins the others. “Well, how’d ya do?”
“First Place”, replies Snow White.
As they continue walking, they come upon another sign that reads, “Strongest Man in the World Contest.”
“I’m entering!” declares Superman. When he returns half an hour later, the others ask, “So how’d ya make out?”
“First Place,” answers Superman.
Continuing their stroll, they soon come upon another sign that reads, “World’s Greatest Liar Contest?”
Pinocchio exclaims, “I’m entering!” After about thirty minutes, he returns with tears in his eyes.
“What happened, Pinocchio? Didn’t you win?” they ask.
Drying his eyes, Pinocchio blubbers, “Who the heck is ‘Obama’?”