The U.S. Presidential Election - My Final $0.02
Nov 3, 2008 at 02:30PM
Doug in Opinion, Politics

Quasimoto’s comment earlier today asking why I believe Barack Obama to be be a Marxist and racist convinced me to break the promise I made to myself to abstain from posting any more about the Presidential election. So here’s my last contribution on the matter.

I’m pretty sure everyone’s heard the audio clips of sermons by Reverend Wright of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ. Before Wright’s retirement in May, ABC News highlighted the racist and America-hating rhetoric in his sermons and questioned Barrack Obama’s 20+ years as not only a member of the church but a close personal friend of Wright’s. Obama at first shrugged it off but, when the issue wouldn’t go away, he “denounced” a few months ago, not Wright, but the hateful things Wright believes and preaches. Kind of like divorce is handled in some primitive countries: “I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you. There. We’re divorced. Let’s move on.”

The press, not wanting to rain on Obama’s parade, moved on. But it is what it is and, for many, the long relationship suggests that Obama may, like Wright, be racist and anti-American. I don’t think such a logical conclusion, shared by many, or at the very least a valid and unresolved concern, can be ignored.

As for Obama’s Marxist statements, they too are a matter of public record. But to recognize them, you need to understand the teachings of Karl Marx. Among the principal tenants of Marxism are that capitalism, the system of social production for private profit, is the enemy of working people, and that class struggle is the motor force of history with workers being the only class with power, knowledge and interest in aligning with other oppressed groups to create a new egalitarian society based on sharing socially created wealth. In a Marxist/Communist society, wealth is redistributed “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

Obama has said publicly that the Warren Supreme Court, considered by most historians to have been the most radical in our history, was not radical enough because it failed to address the redistribution of wealth from the “haves” to the “have nots”, and that we will not have “fairness” until we achieve that redistribution. He says further that it is too cumbersome to achieve redistribution via the courts but that it can be achieved legislatively. That, my friends, is Marxism, and coupled with socialists already in positions of power within our Legislature (Reid and Pelosi among them), an Obama presidency could move us further, perhaps irreversibly, into socialism. That should scare the devil out of all of us.


And the reason, Quasimoto, that Obama has “gotten to be a Senator or gotten nominated to be president” is that too many citizens choose to believe that, if these things are true, “someone else” would have/should have stopped Obama’s progress to this point. But that’s just not the way it works anymore. We’ve become a lazy society of “sheeple”, expecting “someone else” to do all the heavy lifting. And when “someone else” fails to come through for us, we draw our opinions and make our decisions based on superficial criteria and emotional responses. Worse yet, we even allow ourselves to be influenced by comedy TV. We can’t efficiently govern ourselves that way.

So my question is, knowing what we know, how can anyone in good conscience ignore these issues or cast a vote in spite of them? Don’t like McCain? Fine, I get it. But come on, that’s no reason to vote for socialism.

Okay, I’d told myself I wasn’t going to talk about the election any more and I’ve done it anyway. All I can say is, people will do what they choose. I just wish they did more of their own homework and cast their votes based on things more substantive than “he looks more presidential” or “I just don’t like McCain”.

Article originally appeared on inessential musings (
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