Breast Cancer Petition
Nov 9, 2008 at 08:00AM
Doug in Health

Michele asked that I pass this information along.

Many of you may already be aware that the U.S. House of Representatives recently approved the bipartisan Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act aimed at ending the practice of “drive-through” mastectomies, where women are forced to leave the hospital within hours of undergoing major breast cancer surgery.

But the act still needs our support in the Senate! Please click the pink ribbon to sign the petition urging the Senate and the President to take the next steps to pass this very important bill. The requested information will only be use on the petition, and you’ll be helping assure that decisions regarding a woman’s hospital length of stay following a mastectomy are determined by her and her doctor rather than insurance companies.

This legislation is extremely important. I urge everyone to take the minute or so necessary to sign the petition and to write or email your elected officials as well. Email this post (click the “email” link below) to your friends. Help right this wrong.

Article originally appeared on inessential musings (
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