Considering a "Living" Christmas Tree?
Dec 15, 2008 at 08:00AM
Doug in Ecology, Conservation, Video

If you’ve never enjoyed a “living” Christmas tree, you might want to consider it. The idea is that, by buying a living tree for your home and then planting it after the holidays, you’re not only “saving a tree,” you’re helping landscape your yard. Some of us, though, shy away from decorating green because we think it’s too much work or we’re not sure how to plant the thing once we remove all the ornaments.

Granted, a living tree is heavy, what with the root ball and all. Lugging it into and out of the house takes some ingenuity and maybe a couple strong friends. But the big question remains, “How do you plant a Christmas tree?” Well, don’t fret. Here’s a primer from the good folks at Growing Wisdom:

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