I’d deliver this shameless solicitation in a plain brown wrapper if I knew enough code to wrap it. I don’t, so…
Weakly Web Wit is a free email subscription “researched and produced, then dragged kicking & screaming to your in-box each week” by my good friend, Michael, who adds, “Material may sometimes be deemed questionable at best. Viewer discretion and a modicum of adult acceptance are advised. Not meant to offend any particular group; we try to offend everyone equally!”
Michael scours the ‘Net, grabs what he considers the “good stuff” (informative and/or witty), then compiles and emails it once a week to his growing list of undiscerning readers. Want to be one of them? Did I mention it’s free? Here’s how to get on “the list”: Send a postage-paid email to wwebwit@gmail.com and tell Michael you’re cautiously willing to give it a try. It’s that easy. And did I mention it’s free?
If you like it, your eternal gratitude, and Michael’s, will be my reward. If you don’t, blame him! (I’ll swear I never heard of it!)