“Green Porno is a series of very short films conceived, written, co-directed by and featuring Isabella Rossellini. Inspired by the amazing and often bizarre sexual practices of insects and other creatures, these eight films are both comical and insightful studies of the curious ways a variety of earth’s tiny critters “make love”. Simple, playful and childlike by design, Green Porno provides a unique and provocative glimpse into an “underground” world of sexual encounters.” …
Or so the official Green Porno website, still under construction, promises. It’s difficult to imagine actress, model and film director Rossellini mounting a giant paper bug, but I’m on the site’s mailing list to get a heads up when it’s completed and the eight short films, designed for viewing on cell phones and small screen devises, are viewable.
So, why did I post about it today, you ask? Well, I thought it would be interesting to see how many people Googling “porno” would find their way to my site. Call it a silly experiment.