Adventures in Pescevegetarianism - Part 4
May 30, 2008 at 08:00AM
Doug in Health, Humor, Wine & Dine


Our foray into vegetarianism — or more accurately, “pescevegetarianism” — is progressing better than I had expected when we began the trek almost three months ago. Dawn and I have successfully eliminated meat, egg, dairy and animal byproducts from our diets and replaced them with increased amounts of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and soy. We’re still enjoying the experience, feeling good and, yes, still talking to each other.

I’ll remind everyone that we’re also eating some fish and shrimp, hence the “pesce” prefix to our form of vegetarianism. But as I’ve explained before, we didn’t begin the journey to conform to any particular definition, make a social or environmental statement or join a club. We simply decided to adopt a healthier diet and our research pointed in this direction.

How’s it been? Well, in a word, enlightening. And fun. We’ve made a few exceptions during our transition but have remained pretty steadily on course. As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, we’ve tried unusual recipes, experienced new foods, met some interesting people and, for the most part, we’re enjoying the ride! But it was a personal decision and neither of us is pushing anyone else to “switch”.

That said, some of you have asked us to share a recipe or two and Dawn has agreed to do so when she gets a little free time. Look for one in the next week or two… (No pressure, Dawn!)

Article originally appeared on inessential musings (
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