"Fix I-5 Project" Begins Today
May 30, 2008 at 08:00AM
Doug in Transportation, Travel

i_5.jpgAs locals know, Caltrans has been gearing up to repair the “Boat Section” of Interstate 5 that runs through downtown Sacramento. The project begins today and will last about seven weeks. The aggressive schedule, aimed at completing the project months sooner than would normally be the case, involves closing lanes so that repairs can be performed around the clock, seven days a week. That means traffic snarls for commuters as they struggle to get to and from downtown Sacramento during construction.

The California Trucking Association created a helpful construction calendar to help motorists plan their movements through this essential corridor and my good friend, Michael, was kind enough to offer it to IM readers that may be impacted. (Download a pdf copy.) For more information about construction, lane closures and commute alternatives visit fixI-5.com. Visitors can register for email alerts, view live camera images, link to commute alternatives and monitor the up-to-date project schedule.

Article originally appeared on inessential musings (http://www.inessentialmusings.com/).
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