View From the Other Side of the Fence
Jun 30, 2008 at 09:00AM
Doug in Wildlife

1091762-1679176-thumbnail.jpgYou’ll remember Tatiana, the Siberian tiger that escaped from its grotto at the San Francisco Zoo in December, killing one visitor and mauling two others. The incident led to sweeping changes in zoo habitats at the San Francisco Zoo and elsewhere. Well, Tatiana is back in the news, this time amid allegations that at the time of its escape the tiger may have been “grumpy” and more aggressive due to being underfed.

You can watch the story play out in the news, but it brought to mind an image I’d seen some time back at divinecarolyn. Part of a campaign by Calgary Zoo to promote its behind the scenes tour with the lions, the ad suggested a humorous (at least before the SF Zoo incident) view of zoo visitors “from the other side of the fence”.

The text reads, “Come face-to-face with the top of the food chain. Book a behind the scenes tour with the lions at Click on the image at left for a larger view.

Article originally appeared on inessential musings (
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