McCain '08 - Embrace the Suck
Jun 4, 2008 at 08:00AM
Doug in Humor, Patriot's Journey, Politics

Senator Barack Obama has claimed the Democratic presidential nomination having secured enough delegates and pledged super-delegates to claim victory. Of course, technically, this assumes that the supers all vote as they say they will, and they are free to change their minds. So, no doubt we’ll continue to hear debate on this subject until either the convention or Hillary steps down.

Meanwhile, I’m assuming it’s pretty much a done deal. I’ve said before that I could never vote for Hillary. And I can’t vote for Obama because I see him as a racist, a Marxist and an empty suit. So despite some serious misgivings about McCain, I guess he’s my choice. Here’s my bumper sticker…


I know we sometimes take for granted our right to free and open elections in this country. But stop and think about it. We grumble openly about the candidates but hold their feet to the fire in order to make an informed decision about who will guide our country. It’s an infinitely important process and an invaluable right. I’m grateful that I live in a country where we are all free to help chart our own destiny.

This is a Patriot’s Journey post. Remember to check out the other Patriotic Journeyers: Drumwaster, The Bastage, the folks at The Line Is Here and Shortbus from The Edge of Reason

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