Reflections and Resolutions Revisited
Jan 6, 2009 at 10:00AM
Doug in Culture, Essays

The New Year, they say, is about reflections, resolutions and high hopes for the future. We take time to reflect on the year just ended and look hopefully ahead toward the fresh new year just beginning. Too often, admittedly, our reflections are about last year’s uncompleted list of resolutions and, yes, I’m just as guilty as anyone.

Admittedly, 2008 was a challenging year for many of us – hopefully 2009 will be  better. But being the optimist you know me to be, I’m working hard to stay positive about the coming year. Color me “hopeful”.

I hope California’s government and  citizens find ways to work together for the good of the people and that the politics of negativity get buried beneath the overwhelming swell of goodwill that cooperation fosters.


I hope 2009 brings us closer to  a lasting peace in the Middle East and a positive conclusion to the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are good things happening in the region – we need to acknowledge and expand upon them. I hope the conflict between Israel and Palestine is resolved without more bloodshed.

I look forward with hope - and some trepidation - to the coming year. I expect it to be difficult, but I have the love of an amazing woman whom I cherish, children I am proud of, beautiful grandchildren I adore, and wonderful friends I respect and appreciate. I still look forward to retirement and more time with family and friends, good health, and greater opportunity for Dawn and I to continue checking things off “our list.” 

I’m an optimist. I see the year ahead filled, not with problems, but with challenges and opportunities,  the glass half full rather than half empty. Thank you everyone for helping make our 2008 all it could be. Dawn and I wish you all a safe, healthy and prosperous 2009.

Article originally appeared on inessential musings (
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