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"Chain Letter"

We were delayed getting home Monday night by a movie production crew that was filming on our street and at our neighbors home a couple doors down. Seems they’ve been shooting around the county all month.

Setting up for a movie scene is a pretty involved and elaborate procedure, and the one being filmed at the time required a gigantic “cherry picker” with a huge light that lit up the house and yard, a firetruck and firemen to hose down the street, a team of paramedics in case someone got hurt, several “movie” police and other cars, and the usual trucks filled with assorted cameras and movie making equipment that spilled onto the adjoining street. Various hoses and cables crisscrossed the road, and movie and security personnel with walkie talkies were everywhere. While waiting for the scene to wrap, we chatted with movie people about the film.

The title, we learned, is “Chain Letter,” a film “similar” (that’s movie double-speak for, “I can’t tell you”) to 2003’s “Thirteen” that starred Evan Rachel Wood, Nikki Reed and Holly Hunter who was nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her performance. The film, which won numerous awards, is about a teen who befriends the “popular” girl at school and becomes involved in drugs, petty theft and piercings. Sounds like a shallow plot, but it was apparently a good movie about teens coming of age, at least those on the more extreme end of the scale. And apparently at least one of the female stars of “Thirteen” is in “Chain Letter” (which may be, as is sometimes the case, a “working” title.)

I’ll be interested to see how much of our street and neighbor’s home show up in the film when it’s released, I’d guess sometime in late 2008 or early 2009.

Posted on Nov 21, 2007 at 08:38AM by Registered CommenterDoug in | Comments4 Comments

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Reader Comments (4)

How neat! Did you take any photographs?

November 21 | Unregistered CommenterSteve O.

You guys seem to lead charmed lives. Cool stuff seems to seek you out. NOTHING interesting ever happens in Detroit. Detroit SUCKS!

November 21 | Unregistered CommenterBlaine

Interesting things do seem to happen to you. Or maybe you just seek out interesting things. Anyway, I will watch for the movie and maybe catch a glimpse of the street where you live! Then I can tell people "I know a couple who live there."

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


November 21 | Unregistered CommenterSara

Oh, you uber-cool jet-setter you! I think you would have made a perfect high school coach! I would have gone to see the movie if you were in it!

You sure do lead an exciting life, Mr. Cool! Too bad they didn't pick your house!

R ;-)

December 14 | Unregistered CommenterRegina H.

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