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Moroccan Food and Belly Dancers

Dawn and I had dinner a couple weekends ago with friends at Marrakesh, a Moroccan restaurant on Fulton Avenue. We were celebrating Dawn’s and Sisko’s birthdays and so someone decided that sitting on the floor and eating with our fingers would be fun. Did I mention they had belly dancers?

                 Click to enlarge
It’s not that I don’t enjoy Moroccan food - I’ve eaten monkey in the Amazon jungle for Pete’s sake - but my old bones don’t bend as easily as they once did, and sitting on a cushion on the floor was, shall we say, challenging, at least the getting up part and the turning around to watch the belly dancer. Did I mention that? There was a belly dancer!

Anyway, we were among friends, twelve of us altogether, so stuffing couscous and shish kabob into our mouths with our fingers was acceptable and the resulting snickering was in jest. But there was at least one in our group who couldn’t quite get into it. I won’t mention any names, but I think the idea of couscous and lamb fat under her freshly French-manicured nails and the whole “messiness” of it all may have harpooned her appetite.

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I should mention that the Casablanca Moroccan beer was good as was the floor show! Belly dancing, can you believe it? And it was a little different than I remembered from last time. I guess the establishment wants their dancers to be a little more classy - belly dancing is, after all, an art form - than they used to be, so tipping is now done in a special head-balanced tip jar rather than dollar bills being strategically tucked in the dancers’ costumes by drunken male diners. How tacky, right? They’re not strippers, after all! Was I disappointed? A little. What can I say, I’m a creature of habit.

I’ll have to do a little research to understand why they sprinkled rose water all over us after our meal. Kind of a surprise when you don’t see it coming. Maybe it’s customary in the desert to help distinguish you from the camels. Anyway, it was a delightful evening with dear friends who, no matter how messy the food may get, will always be there to wipe your chin for you. It doesn’t get any better than that.

Posted on Dec 6, 2007 at 08:51AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , , | Comments10 Comments

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Reader Comments (10)

Sounds like a great night. We have eaten Moroccan style and, although it is messy, the food was good. We also had belly dancers, but I have to tell you, they were not nearly as attractive as the one you photographed!!

December 6 | Unregistered CommenterRoger

You guys certainly know how to celebrate birthdays!

December 6 | Unregistered CommenterTina and Jack

That is the smallest birthday cake I have ever seen in a restaurant. Maybe they spent all their money hiring the hot dancer?

December 6 | Unregistered CommenterHans

That must be it, Hans. It was a small square of Baklava (in Morocco it's called Kab El Ghzal) with a single candle for the two ladies celebrating their birthdays.

The belly dancer was great, but I would have preferred at least two squares and candles which wouldn't have cut too deeply into her salary.


December 6 | Unregistered CommenterDoug

Doug, the rose water after dinner is supposed to be sprinkled on guests' hands to wash after eating. Sounds like your server missed.

December 6 | Unregistered CommenterBeth Jaconson

We are a a place with the same name in Seattle. The experience was similar except we had like an eight course meal, were given large spoons to scoop the couscous and other foods, and got to wash our hands in rose water after the meal rather than having it sprinkled all over us. But I have to say, your belly dancer is much prettier than ours was!

December 6 | Unregistered CommenterChiefBill

Well, I guess our waiter was wigging out, because he sprinkled like a mad man - in our hair, all over us - but I don't remember any hitting my hands. I'm not surprised, though. When we first arrived and he was taking drink orders, we asked for tea and he told us that came with the dinner (at the end of the meal as it turned out). So I ordered beer, but Dawn had to wait for hers. But did I mention how enjoyable the belly dancer was? And the company of friends was great!


December 6 | Unregistered CommenterDoug

You do lead an interesting life. Can't imagine where you get all your energy.

Incidentally, I discovered your "albums" today. It works very well and I don't have to scroll between photos.

Now if you just put up the pictures from your hikes like you had on your other website, all would be perfect. :-)

December 6 | Unregistered CommenterSara

Damn! I think I could grow to like Moroccan food!

December 6 | Unregistered CommenterTeddy

Sounds like a lot of fun. And the belly dancer? Damn!

December 11 | Unregistered CommenterJepsen

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