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Born American, but in the Wrong Place - A Patriot's Journey

Several years ago I was fortunate enough to attend a lecture by Peter W. Schramm on what it means to be an American. I remember being deeply moved by his words and his vision of the world, and I’ve never forgotten the experience. Here, in an essay that may seem lengthy in terms of Internet reading, is more on what Professor Schramm sees as the genesis of being an American.

My mother tells me, though I don’t remember saying this, that I told my father I would follow him to hell if he asked it of me. Fortunately for my eager spirit, hell was exactly what we were trying to escape and the opposite of what my father sought.

“But where are we going?” I asked.

“We are going to America,” my father said.

“Why America?” I prodded.

“Because, son. We were born Americans, but in the wrong place,” he replied.

I encourage you to take the time - make the time - to read it in its entirety.

Remember to check out the other Patriotic Journeyers… JimKScottLarry, Drumwaster, and Cosmicbabe.

Posted on Jun 25, 2007 at 08:01AM by Registered CommenterDoug in | Comments4 Comments

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Reader Comments (4)

I will read it tomorrow during my commute.

June 25 | Unregistered CommenterPerez

I read it all. What an amazing story! I thought the ending was particularly beautiful. It is true. We need to be taught about the blessing of having been born here and why. Why does it seem that the people who appreciate America the most are the people who were born somewhere else and had to earn citizenship by learning the language and becoming Americans? Why do those of us born here take everything for granted? And why would we even consider for a moment continuing to allow illegals to establish seperate mini-cultures within the U.S. instaed of assimilating? Our leaders have become too lazy to do the work, that's why!

June 25 | Unregistered CommenterSara

It isn't like that anymore I am afraid.

June 25 | Unregistered Commentersadie0358

What a wonderful story. That is the kind of immigrant we want, not the illegals who represent 1 out of every 3 inmates in our prisons and cost taxpayers a big chunk of our incomes.

I am so happy that the "shamnesty" bill went down in flames. The people united and overwhelmed the Senator's phone and email systems. Yet Kennedy and his followers complain that evil "talk radio" is to blame.

Believe me, they won't have learned a thing. They will try again in '08 and in the meantime will try to shut down conservative talk radio. It is like Russia!

June 28 | Unregistered CommenterRegina H.

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