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Microsoft Surface Parody

Michael sent this clever parody by Sarcastic Gamer of Microsoft’s announced Surface computer, a table featuring a 30-inch multi-touch display, much like the one Jeff Han introduced at TED 2006 only running Windows Vista. It reminds me of the old Pac-Man table video games that used to proliferate cocktail lounges. The parody is pretty funny. Microsoft plans to release the Surface in the winter of 2007 for an estimated $10,000…

Touchscreen technology in various forms has been around for years but only recently has anyone matched it to practical applications. Jeff Han and his company,  Perceptive Pixel,  are producing (and shipping) a wall-mounted unit, the latest version of which consists of two 8’X3’ panels that, for my money (if I had any), offers a more useful form factor and more advanced technology. You can watch a three minute video presentation of their offering here. And there’s a great article in the February issue of Fast Company about Jeff Han, the inventor, and his vision for the technology here.  

The evolving technology is mind boggling. And we’ll be the beneficiaries. The future looks exciting!

Posted on Jun 28, 2007 at 10:40AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , , | Comments5 Comments

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Reader Comments (5)

It is another example of Microsoft "inovation", isn't it? They worked for years to develop what amounts to a toy, then copied the work of others, especially Han, make it run on Windows, then take bows as if they invented the technology! Surface looks almost identical Han's TED project.

It does appear that MS is aiming at consumers although 10 grand is a little pricey for that market.They will offer commercial clients a consumer product or consumers a product they can't afford.

June 28 | Unregistered CommenterRegis49

Wow, they are both very cool. I like that you can lay devises on the table and exchange data. Nut standing in front of the big screens would be orgasmic!

June 28 | Unregistered CommenterJester11

I want one. Both. All.

June 29 | Unregistered CommenterRogerD

I agree that the table unit would have limited usefulness beyond a coffee table/conversation piece. But the big wall unit - that's like Cape Canaveral! That I can see practical uses for. He has already sold some to the military, that makes sense.

I think it is notable that the unit Microsoft is coming out with is almost identical to the unit Jeff Han demonstrated at the TED conference (except, as you said, it runs on Vista.)

Bill Gates is still following the old Toshiba business model: Take other inventors' work, copy/modify it to run on Windows, then call it "inovation".

June 29 | Unregistered CommenterBen

A'int technology grand?

June 29 | Unregistered CommenterRFink

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