Postcards from the California State Fair
The California State Fair opens today in Sacramento. Dawn and I look forward to it every year and usually go two or three times in order to take in the full “experience” — the kids with their livestock exhibits, the craft displays, the product demonstrations, the rodeo, the horse races — and we always ride the giant ferris wheel and the tram at least once. Both give us a bird’s eye view of the fairgrounds and, let’s face it, ferris wheels can be pretty romantic at night. We take a pocket camera to record the fair “atmosphere” — I’ll try to post some of images this fair season.
Meanwhile, I thought you might enjoy a slide show compiled by one of the Sacramento Bee’s premiere staff photographers. During the past several years, Manny Cristostomo spent his summers taking pictures for a series called “Postcards From the State Fair.” Hundreds of “postcards” were published in the newspaper and on-line at Here are some of his favorites.
This is streaming from the Bee’s server, so it probably requires broadband and may require a free “subscription” to the Bee’s web site. Enjoy the slide show and “See ya’ at the Fair!”
Reader Comments (5)
Newspaper correspondents always gain great access, don't they? These are good but some required access you nor I could gain. A very enjoyable slideshow. I enjoyed the animal and fair sounds, too! You could almost "smell" it.
I am sure that the California fair is nice, but if you ever get a chance to see the Iowa State Fair, you will find it just like the fairs of old but bigger. It is a wonderful fair!
Hey, nice slide show. We're all set for the fair next weekend. Any chance of meeting up there?
I'm Going! Gonna get me some of those deep fried coke flavord things! Yumm!
Thanks for sharing this. The photos are great!