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I know we just took a vacation last month, but Dawn and I are in serious need of some rest and rejuvenation as we lick our wounds from a disastrous turn of events with our home renovation. I won’t go into it now; we need to put it away for a few days, collect our thoughts and prepare for what will likely be a nasty legal battle.

But for the next few days, we’ll be taking a little walkabout. So although I probably won’t be posting for a few days (unless I decide to drop by an Apple Store), it’ll be a good opportunity for you to visit the “Archives” and see what you may have missed.

And hey, it wouldn’t kill you to comment, ya’ know…

Posted on Aug 3, 2007 at 11:33PM by Registered CommenterDoug in , | Comments4 Comments

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Reader Comments (4)

Have a good trip. Take pictures. Seriously, I hope you get the rest and relaxation you need. You deserve it.

August 3 | Unregistered CommenterRon K.

I recognize the lifeguard tower. I live about 4 miles from there down PCH. Can I buy you and your wife a cup of coffee? Don't be freaked out, I just enjoy your blog and would like to meet you. You can email me if you are interested.

August 4 | Unregistered CommenterRenee

I'm flattered, Renee, but we didn't check email while we were down there nor did we have any spare time in our schedule. Maybe another time. But thanks for the kind words and for reading. Comments are always appreciated.

August 8 | Unregistered CommenterDoug

Can't wait to see the pictures and hear all about your trip. What is it Forrest Gump's mother said about a box of cherrys...?

August 9 | Unregistered CommenterKen

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