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Terry Fator

For those of you who didn’t catch this season’s America’s Got Talent, you missed perhaps the best ventriloquist act I’ve ever seen. Terry Fator went on to win the $1 million contest and will be appearing in Las Vegas before the year is out. Give this video a watch. It may just reshape your perception of ventriloquists…

Want more? Watch all of Fator’s America’s Got Talent performances on YouTube.

Posted on Sep 7, 2007 at 10:45AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , | Comments7 Comments

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Reader Comments (7)

Sorry to say we never watch AGT, something else must conflict, but we will make a point of watching it next season. This fellow is wonderfully talented! An entertainer-impersonator-ventriloquist rolled into one. Great discovery. Thanks!

September 7 | Unregistered CommenterGCScott

That was beautiful. We watched the show and were rooting for him. I hope he is playing somewhere in Las Vegas when we go. We would love to see his act in person.

September 7 | Unregistered CommenterTina

All his acts were excellent, but my favorite was when Winston did Roy Orbison's "Crying". This guy deserved the million!

Check it out:


September 7 | Unregistered Commenterharmond876

One of our favorite shows! We differed on who should win. But the right guy won. (heh heh)

Hilarious and actually moving too! He deserved the $million.

September 7 | Unregistered CommenterJason Bigson

Glad he won. He was the best on the show this season.

When we consider who should win, we always ask ourselves who we would pay top go see in Las Vegas. We would pay to see him perform live. He's no Celine Dion in a big venue like she plays, but he still would draw a crowd in a smaller, more intimate venue.

September 8 | Unregistered Commentertraincollector399

He was by far the most unique and most deserving. A wonderful act and this song really sold me. Beautiful.

September 10 | Unregistered CommenterDarcy

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