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All's Well That Ends Well, But...

Thanks Todd!

Posted on Nov 26, 2008 at 08:00AM by Registered CommenterDoug in | Comments6 Comments

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Reader Comments (6)

Very timely. *Waiting for the ax to fall*

November 26 | Unregistered CommenterVince

It means enjoy your turkey day it may be your last.

Wait, that is too cynicle.

November 26 | Unregistered CommenterGeorge W.

har har (gobble gobble)

everyone knows the ax will fall and chop off a big part of our wallets. saw it coming and it will hurt big time. but everyone felt powerless to do anything about it. like we see the train about to derail, we want to do something, we hope the engineer or the conductor or somebody will stop it because we can't, and then nobody does. then they tell us we have to pay to replace the train and pay for all the damage because we can't let the train company fail because of its own incompetence or malfeasance. oh no, that would be out of the question. we must 'spread the debt' as well as 'spread the wealth'.

sorry i went off, i need to get in the holiday spirit. i need a bailout.

November 26 | Unregistered Commentersowhatitsmylife

We can't walk through life always looking over our shoulder every moment. We have to look forward doing our part to make it a better life, a better country, a better world. Then every year, we should make time to do an evaluation on our "employees" we elected to run the country for us. If they aren't doing a good job, tell them how to improve. Then next year, if they aren't doing it, let them go and hire someone better qualified with more desire to do what we want. We do it at work, we need to remember to do it with our government too. We shouldn't have to live in fear of them cutting our heads off!

November 26 | Unregistered CommenterCarolyn T.

LOL that couldn't have been times better!

November 26 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

I would laugh (harder) if it wasn't so true.

November 29 | Unregistered CommenterHowzer549
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