Tough All Over
I’m getting a little tired of listening to Wall Street and the Big Three U.S. auto makers complaining about how tough they’ve got it. They’re getting loans and bailout bucks while the rest of us are getting passed the check. Frankly, I wouldn’t mind having a piece of that gilded retirement/health benefit plan the auto workers enjoy, especially sense we’ll be paying for a chunk of it.
Listen…Hear that? It’s the whine of the Fat Cats’ Big Machine sucking money out of our wallets to cover their losses. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of hearing it. And I’ve got lots of old shoes.
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Reader Comments (12)
Good one! I've got some smelly sneakers I can contribute to the cause :)
We joke and make fun but it is to disguise our pain and anger. What is obscene is how our politicians are handling the situation. Instead of supervising the fat cats while they try to clean up their own messes (with some going under) they are more concerned with where layed off workers anger and votes would be directed. Its disgusting!
We need more than a shoe to be thrown at Wall Street and Detroit auto makers. We need to let them fail if they must to show everyone the consequences of greed and ineptitude. Maybe other companies would learn from the recognition that there are actually bad consequences they should work to avoid.
A good one :) I'll contribute my old beatup hiking boots to the cause.
There haven't been any big execs from Wall Street or car makers and few from banks who have lost their homes or jobs because of the mess they made. Will they have to forgo million $ bonuses this year? Maybe, but I bet they double up next year.
Oh yeah! They will deserve double bonuses as their reward for "sacrificing" this year and then "saving" their companies!! What a crock!!
I would like to know that the "cattle barons" of our time have had to cut back like we have and that they are sorry for causing all this turmoil. I haven't heard any apologies yet.
Very sad. If I could afford spare shoes, I would throw them!
Another picture that says 1000 words :) I agree with Puff. Why haven't we read or heard about the big execs we can thank for this mess having tough times (aside from the few going to Club Fed)? Something stinks in Denmark!
It ain't shoes we need, it's handcuffs!!!
Good cartoon, says a lot about our current state of affairs, the economy and the season. Let's hope '09 shows an improvement.
I hope everyone affected by the economic meltdown makes it through Christmas and that we begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel during 2009. Merry Christmas and God bless to all.
Amen to that brother!!