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“Slanted Press Coverage” Giving Obama Delegate Lead?


Bill Clinton blames “slanted press coverage” for Obama’s delegate lead. Is that possible? I mean, could the Clinton’s really be complaining about their press coverage after so many years of the msm refusing to rain on their parade? Apparently, according to CBS News’ Ryan Corsaro who says the strategy is working in some areas. …Article

Personally, I don’t like the Clintons. But I don’t care much for Obama either, and McCain, well, don’t get me started…

Posted on May 30, 2008 at 08:00AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , | Comments9 Comments

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Reader Comments (9)

'Whaaa! Whaaa!' Poor Hillary! Stop picking on the poor little b!

May 30 | Unregistered CommenterKermit Frog

I bet even the dims are mesmerized by all the infighting between Hill and Obam. But eventually they will have to pick one of the awful two (God help us). Meanwhile McCain is growing cobwebs in the wings wondering why he can't get any media attention.

May 30 | Unregistered CommenterLarry

If history is any judge, there isn't anything the Clintons could do (short of murder caught on video) that would land either of them in jail.

May 30 | Unregistered CommenterIan

I think it's hilarious that they are whining about not getting enough positive press coverage to float them to the top! Ironic, isn't it?

And the image of Hillary in a cell will keep me smiling all weekend!

May 30 | Unregistered CommenterTeddy

Yep, that image will carry me through the weekend too!!

Have a good one!

May 30 | Unregistered CommenterFrank B.

The irony is sooooo satisfying!!

May 30 | Unregistered CommenterTJSmithy

I still continue to suffer.

I realize that at my age, in the current economic and political climate it's not uncommon because of the stress...

But, I admit to suffering from ED. Electile Dysfunction.

I can't get excited about ANY of them!

May 30 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

Ah, yes, your persistent "ED". 'Tis a problem, yes? I recommend a glass of 30 year old single malt scotch or vintage port and a fine cigar. And a good friend to enjoy them with.

No, it won't help aleviate your persistent "ED" but will be infinitely more enjoyable than having to consider this sorry lot of candidates.


May 30 | Unregistered CommenterDoug

I have no sympathy for Clinton. But Obama is looking more and more like a Marxist. Clinton is a socialist. Of the two, as much as it pains me to say it, I have favor Clinton. McCain is more a Democrat than a Republican, but of the three, He is the lesser of three evils. I just wish we had better choices!

June 1 | Unregistered CommenterTrace

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