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Visionary Leadership

Got this Dilbert strip from Rich. It reminded me of meetings we’ve all attended…


Posted on Jul 1, 2008 at 09:00AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , | Comments10 Comments

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Reader Comments (10)

lol. We probably all have had to sit through meetings like this. I had a boss once that was just like this one. Nobody could figure how he got his job. Eventually his ineptitude caught up with him and he was replaced by another wingnut.

July 1 | Unregistered CommenterFrederick

I recognize my old boss in this one. He believed in delegation so he would assign tasks just like this. Some companies reward incompetence by just promoting it.

July 1 | Unregistered CommenterTanya

Management by FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Deception)

July 1 | Unregistered CommenterJason

Did anyone else notice the parallel between this post and yesterday's Microsoft post? Hmmmmm.....

July 1 | Unregistered CommenterHookercrook

I LOVE Dilbert!!

July 1 | Unregistered CommenterTina

A perfect comparison, exactly how I imagine Bill Gates' management style which explains a lot.

July 1 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

ROFLOL!! That is my boss!! He is always doing exactly that!! Perfect!! Thank goodness for Dilbert so I can laugh (through grit teeth!!)

July 1 | Unregistered CommenterGina

That is a Dilbert we can all relate to!! Good one!!

July 1 | Unregistered CommenterScottie


July 1 | Unregistered CommenterLeAnne

My day started out in the crapper (layoff notices, two in my department) but this made me feel better. My boss is about this inept. When he craps on me today, I will think of this and smile.

July 2 | Unregistered Commentersamiam

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