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Fat Cat Becomes Media Darling

Have you been following the saga of the tubby tabby found prowling a patio in South Jersey? Weighing in at 44 pounds—just 2 pounds shy of the 1987 Guinness World Record for overweight cats—it was taken to the Camden County Animal Shelter where employees dubbed the furry feline “Captain Chunk” until a closer examination brought about a name change to “Princess Chunky”. But wait. There’s more.

Princess Chunky began making the media rounds, including interviews yesterday by Fox New York and MSNBC, and TV spots on “Good Morning America” and “Live with Regis and Kelly” where a veterinarian examined “Princess Chunky” and pronounced her… a him!

But here’s the sad part of the story. It turns out that the portly pussycat had belonged to an elderly woman who lost her home to foreclosure and had been unable to find a new home for her kitty. Oh, and his name is actually “Powder”.

All the media attention has resulted in several serious offers to adopt “Powder”, so it’s likely he’ll go to a loving family. But I have to wonder about someone who would abandon a pet. Sure, the owner lost her home. And maybe she doesn’t have transportation or know anyone willing to help. But what prevented her from calling the shelter? Fortunately, things worked out. This time.

Posted on Aug 2, 2008 at 06:00PM by Registered CommenterDoug in | Comments10 Comments

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Reader Comments (10)

That is one fat cat alright!

August 2 | Unregistered CommenterFelix C.

I feel sorry the lady got forclosed on, but how hard would it have been to drop the cat at the animal shelter instead of just turning it out?

August 2 | Unregistered Commenternickjs

OMG what a fat cat that is! That just isn't hralthy for him, he may have diabetis or something!

August 2 | Unregistered CommenterPam

Must be something wrong with the cat to be that fat. Maybe a thyroid problem and/or diabetes. So sad that she let him get that big. And then to abandon him is so wrong.

August 3 | Unregistered CommenterKevin

WOW! That cat is fat! Poor guy!

August 3 | Unregistered CommenterHFW

Hey there, before everybody lines up to stone the woman for abandoning her pet, shouldn't we know her side? I mean she was able to get a home for her other cat and let's face it.... this one would take a special friend to adopt.

How old is she? Maybe she did the best she knew how? How about people cut her a break, maybe help reunite her with her pet? Maybe she did a bad thing, or maybe she is really old and didn't know who to call? I just think we should know the facts before condeming her.

August 3 | Unregistered Commenterkaren

Oh....my....Gawd!!!! How could someone let this happen to a pet?

August 5 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

I will wait to hear more of the owner, but I don't think there is any excuse for letting an animal get this huge OR abandoning it when you move. None.

August 5 | Unregistered CommenterHookercrook

He looks like a cool cat, just fat but that may be because he has a thyroid condition that can be controlled with Rx. I would adopt him myself if I could have pets. I hope he ends up in a nice home with people who will take good care of him. If it is not his thyroid then he really needs a diet and exercise program, Jenny Craig for cats lol.

August 6 | Unregistered Commenterjames

It is a good thing he didn't get run over or worse while he was left roaming on his own. Then I bet people would be wanting the head of the woman who abandoned him! It worked out for him but no thanks to her.

August 6 | Unregistered CommenterAmber Lynn
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