How To Field Dress a Donkey
Here’s another political ‘toon from Ken…
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Here’s another political ‘toon from Ken…
Reader Comments (8)
OMGROFLMAO!!! (My daughter gave me that, said you would know what it means)
I love the Sarah cartoons! Whatever mud Obama's team throws at her, I still will be voting McCain-Palin!!
I love it! Go Sarah!
Can't wait to watch the skinning ;D
Rule 22: Remember to throw the innards and trailings to the left.
Funny. And she seems to be doing it so far!
Silly Republican humour. Two experienced lawyers against a moose and an old codger. No contest. Wait until the truth about Palin and Troopergate comes out. Can you spell "sinking ship"?
I suppose that means gut and clean. In the field. LOL!
I am sure the truth about Palin's involvement trying to intercede for her sister will come out. Frankly, I am surprised Troopergate is all the democrats have to hang their hats on. It seems to be their Waterloo. Wikipedia has a detailed explanation of who said what when and to whom so before anyone starts tossing around unverified information, it would be good to check it out for yourselves.
Personally, I think it is all a distraction aimed at embarrassing Palin, begun by a disgruntled ex-employee who has said, on the record, that Palin or her family didn't pressure him to fire the trooper getting divorced from Palin's sister. Then he said it COULD have been pressure. Now he thinks it WAS pressure. Why am I not surprised?
Read up. But don't waste too much time on it.