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Democrats Pointing Finger in Wrong Direction - Part 3

Yeah, I know, I’ve beaten this drum for quite a few posts now, but it’s important to understand. For those less inclined to slug through my more lengthy attempts at explaining where we are and how we got here, watch this Special Report with Bret Hume which offers a more “capsulized” version:

And for those of you that really want to understand what happened, why, and how our elected (and a few appointed) officials are dealing with it, listen to this audio presentation by Mark Levin at his best. It’s long — about an hour — but you’ll get “extra credit” in Economics 101 for investing the time.

Posted on Sep 26, 2008 at 08:45AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , , | Comments11 Comments

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Reader Comments (11)

I admit that it was "challenging" working through parts 1 and 2, but I did have a much better understanding of the news clip having read them. It is the bane of bureaucracies that they put policies in motion they think are for the better good, scramble to fix them and save face when they fail, and then set in motion more bad policy in their place.

September 26 | Unregistered CommenterHenry Chesterfield

Thanks for the history and economics lesson Doug. You filled in all the blanks. Now when I see Barney Frank or Chris Dodd complaining about how the nasty Republicans are preventing them from ramming their modifications to Bush's bailout plan down our throats, I have a better understanding of why. I am sickened by their hypocrisy.

September 26 | Unregistered CommenterHookercrook

I saw that broadcast on Fox News, I thought at the time it might be slanted. Now I get it. How can Barney Frank and Chris Dodd show their faces?

September 26 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

I saw Barney Frank on the news saying how the dems have agreement on a bailout plan but the repubs aren't on board. This is how things have worked in Washington for too long. The dems stonewall and either enough repubs cave or nothing gets done. That is why regulating Fannie Mae in '05 died in committee with repubs voting yes and dems voting no.

All the more reason not to elect a dem as president. With no presidential veto of dem's social programs, the dem congress will run wild (more than they already are).

September 26 | Unregistered CommenterEdmond

Rule 77: Never trust a politician with 2 first names.

September 26 | Unregistered CommenterTeddy

Rule 78: Never trust politicians named "Barney".

September 26 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

Oh sure, the rights own network-Fox. Believe nothing you here on Fox.

September 26 | Unregistered Commentertut

Rule 79: Never trust a purple liberal :)

September 26 | Unregistered CommenterDarnell

This was a very good education. I am here on a green card so I can't vote but if I could I would vote for McCain Palin. I hope all Americans vote for them.

September 26 | Unregistered Commenterchuki

McCain is the dinosaur in this election. You conservatives better get used to 8 years of Obama-Biden rule. Live that!

September 26 | Unregistered Commenternobs

ORLY Nobs? Did you even watch the 1st debate tonight? McCain handed Obama his hat on a plate! He clearly has the knowledge and experience to lead while Obama has only talking points and liberal ideology. Obama was twisting while McCain looked like he was having fun.

Live that! (Whatever that means)

September 26 | Unregistered CommenterHairyHarry
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