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Gov. Palin and Katie Couric Get Real and Adorable

If you missed SNL’s sendup of Katie Couric’s recent interview with Governor Sarah Palin, here’s your chance to watch Tina Fey at her best. Forget serious politics for the next 7 minutes…This is funny!

Posted on Sep 30, 2008 at 09:30AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , , | Comments16 Comments

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Reader Comments (16)

The continuous attack on Palin is getting stale now, even counter productive. How about SNL spoofing Biden with his foot in mouth disease? Try Swinging both ways for a change.

September 30 | Unregistered CommenterMike J.

My isn't Sarah Palin dumb. I'm just glad SNL is there to point it out for us. I can't wait until they start to make Barack Obama look the fool he is too. I will definitely make my political choice based on what SNL tells me to.

September 30 | Unregistered CommenterScottie

Did anyone catch David Lee doing John McCain on Mad TV? Now THAT was funny!

September 30 | Unregistered CommenterFelix C.

Personally I am tired of the 'make fun of Palin' mentality of SNL. Is that their best writing? It used to be a good show but it has become an overly biased attempt at influencing votes by making fun of conservative candidates. It would be funnier of they would poke fun at all the candidates.

And why is Tina Fey, who left the show, appearing so often? Is it because she looks more like Palin? Big deal!

September 30 | Unregistered CommenterDarlene T.

What they really need to do is get some of Joe Biden's hair plugs for Amy Poehler's forehead.

I know, snark. My bad.

September 30 | Unregistered Commenterxraiderfan

You know, you can keep laughing, but Sarah Palin keeps roping in the endorsements. See, what some of you fail to understand is that Sarah Palin is a human interest story. After watching all the conflict and crisis in America today, sometimes you gotta just kick back and take in some empty calories. And you know what? Sarah Palin delivers.

So to all those naysayers and doomsdayers and critics out there that can say and do what they want because it’s a free country, Sarah Palin is just going to be Sarah Palin and keep charming voters one at a time.

September 30 | Unregistered Commenterrainchek

It's parody, Darlene, it's supposed to be funny. :)))

September 30 | Unregistered CommenterDarnell

People don't make their minds up based on comedy shows Scottie. This is just a skit, not a direct attack.

September 30 | Unregistered CommenterJason

Watch this clip of Katy Couric interviewing "Foot in mouth" Biden (which she defends by saying that he "speaks his mind", which may be empty at any given moment, and that "Americans appreciate that":


In the clip, Biden says, "When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt went on television..."

Did you notice the two things wrong in that sentence? It's amazing to me that the media isn't all over Biden for his constant flow of gaffes. It is as more a laughable blunder than misspelling Potato.

September 30 | Unregistered CommenterSandeman

From where I sit, Sarah Palin is much better looking and better qualified to be VP than Tina Fey. I enjoy Fey's humor, and the first SP skit was funny, but this one was overstaying her welcome.

Sad thing is, there are SNL viewers of voting age who's votes are easily influenced by this kind of school yard mentality - making fun of the girl with glasses or the kid with straight As but a speech impediment - and SNL and Tina Fey know it and capitalize on it.

SNL would do better mocking everyone. By offending everyone, they get laughs from everyone. When they display their bias, they offend half their audience.

September 30 | Unregistered CommenterUnoBell

I am ashamed to admit that when I watched the Biden interview by Katie Couric I didn't even notice his gaffes because I was in tune with the temper of his rhetoric. I'm probably not the only one.

If you didn't watch the interview or watch the video link provided above by Sandeman, Roosevelt wasn't president nor did he go on television to explain what happened to the American public. (Television wasn't even introduced here for another 10 years, and Hoover was president). Obama does the same thing and few people notice because his rhetoric is convincing. He is a master of saying little well, so people think he knows what he is talking about.

I agree with Sandeman. But the reason the media isn't making a big deal about it is bias. Plain and simple bias. Everyone has some, but the media is not supposed to deliver news filtered through their own.

September 30 | Unregistered CommenterGary White

Sorry Jason, but too many people really do draw voting conclusions from TV shows. They are the ones who aren't particularly educated in political matters and so subscribe to what they pick up from the entertainment medium and from people, like celebrities, they think are cool.

Politicians know this. That is why they spend tons of $$$ saturating that medium. They know it is effective. And that is why actors in particular, who probably know less than anyone but think they and their opinions are important, try to influence fans to their political point of view.

September 30 | Unregistered CommenterRacine

Yeah, Biden says that a good leader demonstrates that they know what they're talking about, and in his very next statement regarding FDR/Television, he shows us that he is not, by his own standards, a good leader. Hilarious.

September 30 | Unregistered Commentereuropa

It is one thing to do parodies of people in office and another to do them about candidates trying to stay on issue. These skits are mean spirited, clearly aimed at affecting the outcome of the election. Tina Fey is a rabid liberal. And SNL should know better!

September 30 | Unregistered Commenterizzy

There is nothing adorable here, just liberal politics.

October 1 | Unregistered CommenterGarth

I will be holding my breath tonight during the VP debate to see if Sarah Palin self destructs more than Joe Biden swallows his foot.

I still believe Palin is a smart woman and a quick study, but her nervousness at being interviewed by Blinky Couric translates to confusion, stammering and a generally poor performance. She's in a new environment and she is struggling to find her stride.

I also hope her coaches remind her to put the "g"s at the end of her "ing"s. Impromptu speaking may be her achilles heal. Not that that makes or breaks a V.P., but in most people's minds, it kind of does.

October 2 | Unregistered CommenterRudy
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