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Front Page News from Around the World

Mike sent a link to this interesting site. Just click the dot for any listed city in the world and view the newspaper’s front page for that city. Other views are available. (Requires Flash.)

Posted on Feb 18, 2009 at 09:00AM by Registered CommenterDoug | Comments10 Comments

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Reader Comments (10)

Very cool!

February 18 | Unregistered Commenterert987

I don't see what good this is if you can't read the tiny print. Interesting idea, but worthless.

February 18 | Unregistered CommenterTerry

Pretty kool idea! I looked around and found it interesting how different papers in different regions of the country report the same events reflecting their biases. Nice find!

February 18 | Unregistered CommenterIan

Terry: "I don't see what good this is if you can't read the tiny print. Interesting idea, but worthless."

Sorry, I didn't mention that you double click on the dot to view a larger version of the page.


February 18 | Unregistered CommenterDoug

DOH! I should have noticed that. Thanks. I need more coffee :)

February 18 | Unregistered CommenterTerry

I have to admit, I also wondered why the size of the little newspapers was unreadable, so it wasn't just Terry. Very cool design, obviously driven by well engineered software. Thanks!

February 18 | Unregistered CommenterUncle Al

I like it! Works well and, besides being just plain interesting, may come in handy. I'll let you know if I figure a way to use it constructively.

February 18 | Unregistered CommenterBarney

Try the TOP 10 front pages to see which are noted for the most salient news headline. Today:

"The President signed the economic stimulus bill as expected, but it was General Motors and Chrysler 'standing first in line for additional government funding' that topped the news agenda for many U.S. dailies. First prize goes to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette for coming closest to the Oliver Twist request, 'Please, sir, I want some more,' on behalf of the nation’s carmakers."

February 18 | Unregistered CommenterKevin O.

Fun! Now I can see what lib slant my brother is reading in Massachusetts!

February 18 | Unregistered CommenterLacy

Kind of fun seeing what newspapers in different cities and parts of the country think should be on their front pages. The differences are noticeable.

February 19 | Unregistered CommenterJames
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