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Nigerian Email Scam Moves to Iraq?

Looks like the well-worn Nigerian email scam has moved to Iraq. Here’s an email received from Sgt. Mark Edwards:

Mark Edwards here, an American soldier serving in the 1st Armored Division in Iraq. you understand our situation here, being attacked by insurgents. On the process, we secretly moved some amount of money that was hidden in one of the Saddam Hussein’s. caves. which at the moment not traceable. Your kind assistance in receiving the Project funds, will be appreciated. for the purpose of investment. 70% of the total will be set aside for a good business Investment while an offer of 30% is made available to you hope you’ll appreciate that. I’m not asking much but rather a hand of assistance in moving the funds out of the London security vaults where it’s been deposited under a temporal immunity coverage.

Iraq, is a war zone and my life here cannot be predicted as anything can happen at any time, so would not like to miss the chance of completing the final process of the funds, which is a confirmation of it at your receiving address. A diplomatic courier will be an ideal plan for the shipping of the package which is a silver box containing the treasures. Note that the process would encounter no hitch as it is a risk free transaction and has a diplomatic, coverage so cannot be checked at any port of Entry/Exit. If this offer is ok by you, then further details will be sent to you. let me say that “TRUST” should be our major objective in this venture as you’ll be in control of it all. untill my mission is completed. Can you, be trusted? Note: I will like you, to contact me through my alternative email address for security reason so here, is the Email address: markedwards_us@yahoo.it

kindly send me an e-mail signifying your interest.

Nice to meet you.

Well, sha-zam, Sgt. Edwards, I’m delighted to meet you, too! You boys are doing a fine job over there and I’ll be happy to help you launder the money. Just tell be how much I need to send you to get the ball rolling…

Posted on Oct 4, 2007 at 08:58AM by Registered CommenterDoug in | Comments6 Comments

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Reader Comments (6)

I haven't gotten any of the usual money scams from Nigeria lately, so this one is refreshing.

October 4 | Unregistered CommenterTim R.

I think you should answer the sergeant and see how long you can string him along!

October 4 | Unregistered Commentertodd

It was just a matter of time.

October 4 | Unregistered CommenterRandy1

I hope these guys never learn how to write like an American.

October 5 | Unregistered CommenterBarry

Doug, how refreshing to hear from Iraq! Why don't you report this G.I. to the fraud organization? Better yet, just call them at 800-876-7060!!!!! Good luck with your laundering money episode if you opt to respond. When you do "come in" to all of your money, remember your old Aunt Barbara. (I really like "Inessentuial Musings".....it is so clever and delightful!)

October 6 | Unregistered CommenterBarbara

Thanks Barbara!

And thanks for your comments! It's always a pleasure hearing from you. I hope you'll feel free to comment often!

Rest assured that when my "ship comes on" I'll remember you!

Isn't it amazing that some folks actually fall for these scams?


October 7 | Unregistered CommenterDoug

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