Halloween Cat
One more before I turn in. Got it from Jamie. Is this scary or what? Looks like an airbrushed kitty, the best animal “costume” I’ve seen this year! But like Jamie says, it’s a good night to keep your animals indoors for their own safety.
Reader Comments (8)
OMG!! That is too freaky!
I hope it's a non-toxic paint; cats lick themselves.
But REALLY spooky and well done.
How could someone do that? The cat must be especially cooperative (or be knocked out?) to allow being painted, especially on its underside.
Poor kitty!
Maybe it's some kind of special paint that doesn't bother cats. Ours would have been licking feverishly when we took the picture!
Coolest cat costume (on a cat, at least) I have seen anywhere!!
How cool is that!
Aside from the issue of paint licking, it may be the coolest decorated cat I've ever seen!
I agree! Best I've seen on an animal! I would love to see how this was done. Most cats wouldn't be still for it.
That is one freaky cat!!!
BTW, maybe someone should call PETA. Maybe they'll have a nude sleep-in protest in front of the owner's house and we can all go watch.