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Friday Fly-by - Loïc Jean-Albert 2

This week’s “flyby” is a follow-up to an earlier post featuring Loïc Jean-Albert, this one perhaps more extreme than the first. I won’t go into what base jumping and wingsuits are all about; they’re explained in the earlier post. I will reiterate, however, that this isn’t “flying” in the true sense of the word. It’s more “controlled free falling.”

Albert’s answer to a question early in this clip explains what drives base jumping wingsuit flyers: “We get a little bored…” They’re adrenaline junkies, always needing to push the envelope for an ever greater rush.

Enjoy the ride!

Posted on Nov 9, 2007 at 08:00AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , | Comments5 Comments

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Reader Comments (5)

You have to admit, it looks like fun. Insane, but a blast!

November 9 | Unregistered CommenterSteve O.

Insanity! These guys have a death wish!

November 9 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

any statistics on how many of these guys have burried themselves into the side of a mountain?

November 9 | Unregistered Commenterfrank

Why do guys feel they have to do this kind of crazy, dangerous stuff? I bet no females do it.

November 9 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

Jessica: Because we are guys. We have testosterone. Some enjoy extreme sports more than others. Some females do too. Evidently you are not one of them.

November 9 | Unregistered CommenterSteve O.

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