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Hello Summer Solstice


Today we welcome the Summer Solstice and the official first day of summer, although we’ve been experiencing summer-like temps in the Sacramento area for some time now. If you haven’t already, it’s time to scrape last year’s crud off the grill and kick off the BBQ season!

The timing of the Summer Solstice, my good friend Michael reminds me, depends on when the sun reaches its farthest point north of the equator. This occurs each year between June 20 and 22, this year the 21st at exactly 11:06 A.M. PDT. The word solstice is derived from the Latin sol (sun) and stitium (to stop), reflecting the fact that the sun appears to stop at this time (and again at the winter solstice.)

Midsummer Day falls this year on June 24. Midsummer Eve and Midsummer Day are considered sacred to lovers. Says Michael:

“On Midsummer Eve, pick seven different wildflowers and then walk home silently and backward. Place the flowers under your pillow and dream of your future husband.”

(Or wife, I suppose, as the case may be.) I’m not sure what’s supposed to happen; perhaps you’ll find one or the other under your pillow when you awaken?

In Lithuanian tradition, the dew on Midsummer Day morning was said to make young girls beautiful and old people look younger. It was also thought that walking barefoot in the dew would keep your skin from getting chapped. Hmmm…Need some of that…

Michael also tells me that the Summer Solstice heralds a national event in Finland where the entire country basically takes the week off and gets drunk while burning things. He may be pulling my leg on this one…

And according to Selena Fox:

“The Goddess manifests as Mother Earth and the God as the Sun King. Colors are Yellow, Green, and Blue. It is a festival of community sharing and planetary service.

Celebrate Solstice time with other Pagans — take part in the Pagan Spirit Gathering or some other Pagan festival happening during June. Keep a Sacred Fire burning throughout the gathering. Stay up all night on Solstice Eve and welcome the rising Sun at dawn. Make a pledge to Mother Earth of something that you will do to improve the environment and then begin carrying it out. Have a magical gift exchange with friends. Burn your Yule wreath in a Summer Solstice bonfire. Exchange songs, chants, and stories with others in person or through the mail. Do ecstatic dancing to drums around a blazing bonfire.”

Don’t know if I’ll go that  far, but I will at least clean the grill…

Posted on Jun 21, 2007 at 11:06AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , , | Comments7 Comments

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Reader Comments (7)

An awesome image of Stonehenge!

June 21 | Unregistered Commenterwinstarr

I remember that the Summer Solstice had some connection to paganism. I know that people make a pilgrimage to Stonehenge, have a bonfire, stay up all night and welcome the first sunrise of the Solstice. I think a lot of photographers go to photograph the gathering which it appears this photo shows. I can't say I've seen it but they may dance around the bonfire as well.

The custom you mention about Finland is news to me, but I'm no expert.:-)

I enjoyed what you said about the flowers under the pillow. That would be my conclusion too.

Very enjoyable post. Happy Summer Solstice!


June 21 | Unregistered CommenterRich

I learn something new every time I read your web site. And what a striking photo!

June 21 | Unregistered CommenterSara

The photograph makes me want to go to see Stonehenge. I had only seen daytime photos before. It is even more mystical at night.

June 21 | Unregistered CommenterTony B.

My first time to your site. Very sophisticated, professional, not cluttered at all. The articles are good and the photo images are all first class.

Suggestion: You might want to consider adding a section on photographic tips, maybe something for those of us just starting out in photography, and maybe some Photoshop tips. I thoink a lot of new photographers and maybe some old ones would enjoy that. Just a thought, the site works great the way it is.

June 21 | Unregistered Commenterappleaday

"Do ecstatic dancing to drums around a blazing bonfire.”

Sounds like fun to me!


You have to be "Pagan for a Day", but the dancing around the fire is, indeed, great fun. Booze helps.


June 22 | Unregistered Commenterthebastidge

The staying up all night part is what would do me in. I would probably fall asleep before midnight and miss the ball drop.

June 22 | Unregistered CommenterLarry

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