What Wine Are You?
Here’s a little quiz aimed at determining which wine, based on your answers to five questions, best describes your personality . I’m apparently a “Chardonnay” personality (I’m not particularly fond of most chards - Go figure!) Interestingly, by changing one answer (I was on the fence) I become a “Pinot Noir”! Give it a try and see what you learn about yourself.
You Are Chardonnay |
![]() You can be sweet and light. Or deep and complex. You have a little bit of something to offer everyone… no wonder you’re so popular. Approachable and never smug, you are easy to get to know (and love!). Deep down you are: Dependable and modest Your partying style: Understated and polite Your company is enjoyed best with: Cold or wild meat |
Reader Comments (5)
I'm a freaking Merlot? I HATE Merlot! No way Jose! If anything I should be a Pinot Noir. I'm from Washington for crissake!
Got the same results, my brudda from anudda mudda...
Great minds yada yada yada...
I fooled around to see if the test was legitimate and was able to get differing results: Chardonnay, Merlot and Pinot Noir. I was trying for a Cabernet but couldn't seem to respond appropriately to get that result.
I spent way too much time on this although it was interesting. What does that say about me?
I am a Merlot!
I suspected as much. ;-)