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4th of July Parades - A Patriot's Journey

Another of the many things I cherish about our wonderful country is the patriotism Americans proudly and enthusiastically display in celebration of Independence Day. Flags fly as families and friends gather for neighborhood parades and backyard barbecues all across the nation. We’re proud of our heritage and, although our history is comparatively short by world standards, on this day more than any other we embrace and celebrate the birth of our great nation.

One such gathering is the “Fab 40’s 4th of July Parade”. Billed as the oldest continuing neighborhood parade west of the Mississippi, this East Sacramento event has become a tradition with us. Hundreds of neighborhood families get involved, decorating anything with wheels, themselves, their kids and even their dogs! It’s always a fun outing and I always bring a camera. I’ve posted a gallery of 40 images to give you a taste of East Sacramento Americana. Enjoy, and have a wonderful 4th of July. God bless America!


This is my final “official” Patriot’s Journey post for 2007 although I’ll continue to photograph and write about this great land of ours as the mood strikes me. If you’d like to re-read any of my previous “Patriot’s Journey” posts, click on “archives” in the navigation bar on the right, then click on “Patriot’s Journey” and you’ll be directed to all of this year’s related posts. And I’m sure my fellow journeyers, JimKScottLarry, Drumwaster, and Cosmicbabe would appreciate a visit, too. I’ve enjoyed participating in this year’s journey with some terrific bloggers and hope to do it again next year. ‘Til then, God bless America!

Posted on Jul 4, 2007 at 01:38PM by Registered CommenterDoug in , | Comments6 Comments

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Reader Comments (6)

What a lovely parade! We have a much smaller one but it is still fun. Everyone wears red, white and blue and waves their flags. The fire department drives their old antique fire truck to lead the parade and the local kids ride their horses. It is a wonderful country and today reminds us of that.

July 4 | Unregistered CommenterSheilaRey

Looks like a terrific parade. Your photos are great!

July 5 | Unregistered CommenterGodfrey

I for one will miss your Journey posts. I found them partiotically inspiring. I hope you take the journey again next year.

Incidentally, your photos of the parade are great!


July 5 | Unregistered CommenterCager

Normally I would say that 40 images is too many but in this case I enjoyed them all so it is an exception to the rule.

July 5 | Unregistered CommenterTeddy

Hey, really neat pictures! It looks like a really neat parade! The dog photos and the kid ones are especially good. If you are not a pro you should consider it!

July 5 | Unregistered CommenterRandy111

Hey nice article, nice pictures.


July 5 | Unregistered CommenterRegina H.

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