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International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Aye matey, it be…


Click on th’ image fer more information an’ t’ larn t’ talk like a buccaneer, ya scurvy cur whut deserves th’ black spot!

An’ har be some information linkin’ global warmin’ t’ th’ decreasin’ number o’ sea dogs, ya scallywag who ortin’ t’ be keel hauled!


An’ finally, har be a likeness (2005) of me very own grand-scallywag, a true buccaneer of the salty seas if ever thar was one…Cap’n Jake hisself!


Posted on Sep 19, 2007 at 08:20AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , | Comments5 Comments

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Reader Comments (5)

Aye, this be fun. I wish we had a Sea dog`s Tide celebration here in Austin, ya horn swogglin' scurvy dog!

September 19 | Unregistered CommenterTed the Terrible

Do ya know why pirates become lawyers? They be arrrrbitrators!

What does a pirate dog sound like? Arrrrrrrrr-f!

Do ya know why the scurvy pirate set fire to his own ship? He be an Arrrrrrrsonist.

What be the cost ta pierce the ear of a pirate so that he might display his fine stolen booty? A buck-an-ear. Arrrrrr!

What's a pirates favorite fast food? Arrrrrbys!

Ohhhhh, I think I'm going to be ill....

September 19 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

Hey Michael! Whatever you do, don't barrrrf...

September 19 | Registered CommenterDoug

He is a cute little scallywag pirate all right!

btw, you two should take your act on the road.

September 19 | Unregistered CommenterTina

This be interestin' an' fun. Th' one time each voyage when I can let ou' th' swashbuckler in me, ya' landlubber!

(That was pleasantly liberating!)

September 19 | Unregistered CommenterCap'n Sarah

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