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Squirrel Obstacle Course

This video clip is dedicated to my brother-in-law, Ray, whose disdain for “bird feeder raidin’ squirrels” in his back yard is legendary in Chicago suburbs. It made the “Best of YouTube” list.

Posted on Sep 20, 2007 at 08:36AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , | Comments6 Comments

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Reader Comments (6)

I gather the residents erect attack courses and wait for the squirrels to learn to use them to reach food, much like rats in a maze. Very entertaining to watch.

Makes you think twice about buying snacks from outdoor vending machines.

September 20 | Unregistered Commenterdaylight8653

I've watched this 3 times and LOL every time! I know they are rodents, but......

September 20 | Unregistered CommenterSara

No wonder it made the "list". It's hilarious and amazing! This is one I've forwarded!

September 20 | Unregistered CommenterTerrance

It's a furry rat! But the show is indeed entertaining.

September 20 | Unregistered CommenterTerrance

Furry rat or not, this is fun to watch!

September 20 | Unregistered CommenterArty35

It is fun to watch. A lot of engineering and work went into the cool obstacle course for squirrels.

September 21 | Unregistered CommenterRalphMania

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