2007 Year in Pictures
In its 2007 Year in Pictures, MSNBC has again compiled a stellar list of photographs it believes best represent 2007. Presented as an audio slideshow, it’s the News images that to me are the most moving.
In its 2007 Year in Pictures, MSNBC has again compiled a stellar list of photographs it believes best represent 2007. Presented as an audio slideshow, it’s the News images that to me are the most moving.
Reader Comments (8)
I think the image you chose from the set is a good one, but the reason it evokes such emotion is the added commentary by the photographer. Many of the news photographs were better imo or at least portrayed more drama and were technically better images.
When I first started watching the slide show, it occurred to me that the news media truly focuses on tragedies. I guess that sells newspapers and gets viewers to watch newscasts. They take their cue from the success of blockbuster disaster movies. Notice that they through in some non-violent images to soften that perception. The frog wasn't really "news".
The sports segment was good. Did you notice that guy's knee? Damn!
Good slide show. Let's hope 2008's News in Photos has more happy images.
Wow! What a year!
I remember the fires and the photos you posted from your friend who lives in Southern California. Devastating! I think of the pictures in the slide show, the one night shot of the fire is my favorite.
I hope this year brings us happier photos this time next year.
I agree that this image isn't, on its own, the best of the group, but it is clear that viewers were moved when, coupled with the audio, they voted it #1.
Amazing. I am always surprised by the high quality of news photos. Obviously these photographers are good. But they have to shoot their images "on the fly" so they must be REALLY good considering how many of them come out.
Dramatic work. But I really like the frog.
Good images all, but I especially like the kite lines. Amazing image. Of course, with the narration, the one you chose brings the tears.
I don't think it was the photo. It just illustrated the story about her. But the story is a tearjerker.
MSNBC couldn't resist featuring this photo because of their (along with the rest of the msm) political position regarding the war. Sounds harsh, I realize, but when featuring a year "in photos", political or emotional leanings shouldn't come into play. There are better images.
Oh my God, doesn't her story just break your heart?