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Reserve a Spot in Heaven


Reserve A Spot in Heaven claims to be “the only licensed and registered distributor of reservations in Heaven.” Thus far the site offers two novelty packages: The “Essential Travel Kit” for $12.79, which includes “everything needed to transport one individual to Heaven,” and an “All Access Travel Kit” for $24.95 that comes with an additional VIP Pass that “will grant you access to VIP exclusive areas including the Land of Milk and Honey where all the elite get together and kick it.” More

Posted on Jan 3, 2008 at 02:12PM by Registered CommenterDoug in | Comments8 Comments

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Reader Comments (8)

Funny. Kind of like buying space on the moon only more "heavenly". The certificate and ticket etc make it a fun gag gift though. I may get one for someone.

January 3 | Unregistered CommenterScottie

I can think of a few friends I might like to give this to.

January 3 | Unregistered CommenterStephen Willets

I already am guaranteed a place in Heaven. But I know some souls who may try to slip in this way. But it won't work.

January 3 | Unregistered CommenterShasta

It's a joke, Shasta. Surely you know that. Right? Surely this didn't offend you?

January 3 | Unregistered CommenterJames C.

Funny product. I always love the novelty "pet rock" kind of things. May get a couple of these, one for my husband and one for my brother.

January 3 | Unregistered CommenterKelli

I'm going to heaven! I'm going to heaven!

January 3 | Unregistered CommenterBecka

Love it! Have to get one!

January 4 | Unregistered CommenterDarnel

Funny. I know one man (no names) who may need this!

January 4 | Unregistered CommenterTina

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