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The U.S. Presidential Election - My Final $0.02

Quasimoto’s comment earlier today asking why I believe Barack Obama to be be a Marxist and racist convinced me to break the promise I made to myself to abstain from posting any more about the Presidential election. So here’s my last contribution on the matter.

I’m pretty sure everyone’s heard the audio clips of sermons by Reverend Wright of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ. Before Wright’s retirement in May, ABC News highlighted the racist and America-hating rhetoric in his sermons and questioned Barrack Obama’s 20+ years as not only a member of the church but a close personal friend of Wright’s. Obama at first shrugged it off but, when the issue wouldn’t go away, he “denounced” a few months ago, not Wright, but the hateful things Wright believes and preaches. Kind of like divorce is handled in some primitive countries: “I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you. There. We’re divorced. Let’s move on.”

The press, not wanting to rain on Obama’s parade, moved on. But it is what it is and, for many, the long relationship suggests that Obama may, like Wright, be racist and anti-American. I don’t think such a logical conclusion, shared by many, or at the very least a valid and unresolved concern, can be ignored.

As for Obama’s Marxist statements, they too are a matter of public record. But to recognize them, you need to understand the teachings of Karl Marx. Among the principal tenants of Marxism are that capitalism, the system of social production for private profit, is the enemy of working people, and that class struggle is the motor force of history with workers being the only class with power, knowledge and interest in aligning with other oppressed groups to create a new egalitarian society based on sharing socially created wealth. In a Marxist/Communist society, wealth is redistributed “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

Obama has said publicly that the Warren Supreme Court, considered by most historians to have been the most radical in our history, was not radical enough because it failed to address the redistribution of wealth from the “haves” to the “have nots”, and that we will not have “fairness” until we achieve that redistribution. He says further that it is too cumbersome to achieve redistribution via the courts but that it can be achieved legislatively. That, my friends, is Marxism, and coupled with socialists already in positions of power within our Legislature (Reid and Pelosi among them), an Obama presidency could move us further, perhaps irreversibly, into socialism. That should scare the devil out of all of us.


And the reason, Quasimoto, that Obama has “gotten to be a Senator or gotten nominated to be president” is that too many citizens choose to believe that, if these things are true, “someone else” would have/should have stopped Obama’s progress to this point. But that’s just not the way it works anymore. We’ve become a lazy society of “sheeple”, expecting “someone else” to do all the heavy lifting. And when “someone else” fails to come through for us, we draw our opinions and make our decisions based on superficial criteria and emotional responses. Worse yet, we even allow ourselves to be influenced by comedy TV. We can’t efficiently govern ourselves that way.

So my question is, knowing what we know, how can anyone in good conscience ignore these issues or cast a vote in spite of them? Don’t like McCain? Fine, I get it. But come on, that’s no reason to vote for socialism.

Okay, I’d told myself I wasn’t going to talk about the election any more and I’ve done it anyway. All I can say is, people will do what they choose. I just wish they did more of their own homework and cast their votes based on things more substantive than “he looks more presidential” or “I just don’t like McCain”.

Posted on Nov 3, 2008 at 02:30PM by Registered CommenterDoug in , | Comments20 Comments

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Reader Comments (20)

Thank you. You have given me something to think about before tomorrow. I appreciate your thorough explanation to my question.

November 3 | Unregistered Commenterquasimoto

Welcome back! And with such vigor! Love it!

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

Remember to vote and vote often :-D

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterTimmons

You are right, we are sheeple, doing what we're told. This has been an historical election season, not just because we will have either an African-American or a woman in the White House. I do hope we don't elect a socialist. The country will suffer greatly if we do. We should be smart enough to not let that happen, but I worry.

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterHookercrook

Bill O'Reilly is a egotistical windbag! You can't believe anything Fox news says. Obama is the man!

November 3 | Unregistered Commenterh34rt67

Wow! I can't believe he thinks like that! Redistribution of wealth. My god, that is communistic! How can he have gotten so far?

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterSheila

Nice article. I hope people see Obama for the wolf in sheep's clothing he really is. If not, we are in for a bumpy ride from which we may never recover.

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterTeddy

It is amazing but I actually know people who think the SNL bit by Tina Fey was actually Sara Palin! Worse, these people vote!

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterUlrica

Thanks for the insight. We are already planning to vote for McCain-Palin but I forwarded your article to a couple friends that have been on the fence. We're keeping our fingers crossed.

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterTina

Remember, "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have." - Thomas jefferson

November 3 | Unregistered Commenterrandy1

"Welfare is addictive.

I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer. In short, you offered a premium for the encouragement of idleness, and you should not now wonder that it has had its effect in the increase of poverty."

Benjamin Franklin

November 3 | Unregistered Commenterdodlin

Some of us vote based on platform, not personality. For example, Obama is talking about redistribution of wealth (theft) yet nothing on his agenda provides wealth CREATION. McCain/Palin are talking about creating jobs and becoming energy independent. There is a huge difference.

Obama is intent on leading us into socialism. No major power has ever made socialism work for any length of time. It is a failed theory.

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterTony Hawk2

Just say no to Marx!

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterLeonardo

I love the mind numbingly simplistic view of socialism you guys have. It's one or the other, there is no middle ground.

And you know that socialism is always bad no matter what, because your party has turned it into a slur.

Nevermind that the Police, public education, aor the like are socialist.

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterPat M.

You guys seem to be going too far out with the whole Obama-Socialist thing.

What Obama wants is to tax corporations and the rich high class a higher percantage and redistribute that money to the middle class and the poor class (with the hopes of eventually bringing the poor class to the middle). Depending on the percentage, this could also bring the rich back down to the middle class over time. The money taken from the rich would also go to universial healthcare and a reformed educational system

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterVaserator

I agree. And raising the taxes of big businesses is only going to make them raise their prices to compensate, which increases the cost of living, which amounts to a hidden tax on the low and middle classes. You don't have to be a math whiz to see that. And he went to Harvard? It is just a scam to make the low and middle classes think he's taxing the evil businesses so he can provide for the little guy while it's just another vehicle to get more money from everyone for the government programs and pork.

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterSherry w

The US now has enough dumbed-down people to think it's OK to, and I quote:


This would mean they are ready to accept any government mandates that come down the pike. So keep getting your political insight from MTV and Comedy Central. Oh there is CHANGE coming alright. But you really won't like it!

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterMarshall Field

Redistribution of wealth has always been a Socialist mantra. The significance of all of his statements and his sphere of influence are what concern the thinking class.

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterJacques

So Pat, a little socialism is OK? Really? How much? And who decides when a little more socialism is needed? Ever heard the old saw about being a little bit pregnant?

Socialism is dangerous. It requires the relinquishment of earned personal property to the State so it can be redistributed to whomever the State thinks needs it. It removes the incentive to work harder, to achieve, to excel and provide all you can for your family. It is the greatest demotivator on earth.

It creates a society of zombies, none doing or producing more than the next because there is no benefit in doing so. It creates dependency on "The State" to take care of you.

The same number of people doing less and producing less generates less combined income which provides less tax revenue to The State so services decrease. Anyone who has studied world economics and history understands this. The economic cycle inevitably fails. Ask Russia who is now experimenting with a theoretical combination of capitalism and communism (theory). Ask Cuba. It failed for Marx, it will eventually fail here. We are already overburdened with government. This will mushroom as government sets up huge agencies to collect and redistribute wealth while instituting new social programs aimed at creating greater dependency on government.

BUT you have a chance to stop its further spread. Don't vote for Obama. Then replace harry Reid, Polosi and the other socialists is Congress. Take back our country.

November 3 | Unregistered CommenterDoug

You are the most Republican Goombah I know...
Not that there's anything wrong with that....

It's good that we have a free exchange of ideas, but I've been in the media long enough to know that the "R"'s have NO chance to win this year. The "winds of change campaign" propogated by Bush's record unpopular standing and the media's influence in making Obama their "darling" won't allow for much else.
Quit pouting. I can see you from here.
Put down your pitchforks and flaming torches, sit back with popcorn and watch the show, folks. It's going to be a good one!

November 4 | Unregistered CommenterMichael
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