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Beef - It's What's For Dinner

My brudda-from-anudda-mudda, Michael, and I have exchanged some good natured ribbing over Dawn’s and my conversion a few months ago to what we affectionately call pescevegetarianism - like vegetarianism only we include fish in our diet - while Michael remains a hopelessly devout carnivore. So I’ll probably draw fire from him over this Dan Piraro cartoon Dawn clipped for me the other day…

Posted on Nov 6, 2008 at 08:00AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , | Comments8 Comments

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Reader Comments (8)

You probably already know that Dan Piraro is a vegan. This cartoon character even intentionally looks like him minus the hat!

November 6 | Unregistered CommenterTeddy

Red meat takes days to digest in humans. It isn't good for the body and not what humans are meant to eat in our present evolved state. Vegetables. It's what's for dinner :-D

November 6 | Unregistered CommenterHarold Weiss

Vegetables are fine as a side but you can't beat a double cut filet mignon with bearnaise sauce as the main dish. I guess that makes me a vegetarian who eats red meat, a carni-vegetarian. Now can we all just get along?

November 6 | Unregistered CommenterTeddy

lol! teddy is right. we are all vegetarians of one kind or another.

November 6 | Unregistered Commenterlois

I agree with Doug that the vegan or vegetarian lifestyle is better for our bodies but I doubt the masses will adopt it during our lifetimes. We are trained from early childhood to eat red meat and have learned to like it. Changing that habit is as difficult for many as quitting smoking although at least we all accept the known health problems associated with smoking.

November 6 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

LOL, good one.

I love the Bizarro cartoon series!! He looks through a strange lens to see a strange world!! Sometime he comes up with a 1-liner that amuses everybody.

November 6 | Unregistered Commentergeorge bennett

Funny lol.

November 7 | Unregistered CommenterUlrica

Ohhhh brudda...the things I could say....
But, I've got choice New Yorks on the bbq right now and they're calling for me...
You can pry the steak from my cold dead hands! I love your food. Eat it often....
But, I can never give up my carnivorous nature...nor would I want to.
Love ya, man!

November 7 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

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