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What Makes John McCain Tick - A Patriot's Journey


I read and listened to John McCain’s March 31 speech delivered in Meridian, Mississippi on the first day of his Service To America Tour. I’d wanted to learn something more about the former Naval aviator and Vietnam POW, about his character and core beliefs, how he reasons and what he’s made of. I found the speech a beginning, though I’ll need to delve much deeper if I’m to better understand the man who hopes to be our next Commander-in Chief. From the speech:

“…Like most people, when I reflect on the adventures and joys of youth, I feel a longing for what is lost and cannot be restored. But though the happy pursuits of the young prove ephemeral, something better can endure, and endure until our last moment of life. And that is the honor we earn and the love we give when we work and sacrifice with others for a cause greater than our self-interest. For me that cause has long been our country. I am a lucky, lucky man to have found it, and am forever grateful to those who showed me the way. What they gave me was much more valuable and lasting than the tribute I once paid to vanity.

I am the son and grandson of admirals. My grandfather was an aviator; my father a submariner. They were my first heroes, and their respect for me has been one of the most lasting ambitions of my life. They gave their lives to their country, and taught me lessons about honor, courage, duty, perseverance and leadership that I didn’t fully grasp until later in life, but remembered when I needed them most. I have been an imperfect servant of my country for many years. But I am their son, and they showed me how to love my country, and that has made all the difference for me, my friends, all the difference in the world.”

My first reaction to McCain had been that he was too much a maverick, his positions failing to follow a traditional path along “conservative” or “Republican” lines. But I’m learning that he possesses strong convictions and, unlike most politicians today, is unabashed about sticking to what he believes is best for the country with little or no regard for opinion polls or GOP orthodoxy. Generally, those are qualities I respect. So I’m reserving judgment until I can learn more about what makes the man tick. Perhaps there’s more to John McCain than I first thought.

This is a Patriot’s Journey post. You may also enjoy visiting the other journeyers: Drumwaster, Larry at The Bastage, the folks at The Line Is Here and Shortbus from The Edge of Reason

Posted on Jun 11, 2008 at 11:00AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , | Comments11 Comments

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Reader Comments (11)

A very nice article, Doug. We are all "on the fence" about McCain as you so this has been helpful.

June 11 | Unregistered CommenterBarbara

OK, I read the whole, long thing AND listened to some of it just to gauge his public speaking. A lot of his speeches so far have been stiff, although he was pretty funny on Letterman's show.

His speaking skill is definitely not as "smooth" as Obama's, but I would expect Obama, a lawyer, to have learned to sling rhetoric with the best of them. I am listening to "what" is said more than "how" it is said by all candidates these days and learning to recognize when I am being fed crap. I will be paying closer attention to "what" both candidates say in the months ahead.

June 11 | Unregistered CommenterFrank B.

Nice to hear a speech by a politician that isn't filled with pandering campaign promises.

June 11 | Unregistered CommenterJarrod P.

spoken like a true conservative republican. i will wave a flag when obama wins, ends the war, gives us paid health care, protects roe v wade once and for all, negotiates us out of terrorism using diplomacy, recognizes gay's right to marry, and gets right wing judges off the supreme court.

June 11 | Unregistered Commenterlordring

All right "lordring" (how original), I may just break my own rule in this reply. If I do, gentle readers, cover your eyes and remember to do as I say, not as I do.

Regular readers know that I frown on titles being thoughtlessly tossed about to describe anyone other than the most flagrant of asshats. They're usually inaccurate and often unfair.

For example, if I were to say, based on the little I've deduced about you, that you're a mindless commie slacker who wants the "givment" to coddle him from cradle to grave, that would be presumptuous of me, wouldn't it?

And if I were to declare that you and your fellow commie asshats are what's wrong with this country, and that you should all be rounded up and deported to some communist mecca where you could enjoy the richness of socialism in your vision of a perfect society, that, too, would be unfair of me. After all, I don't really know you.

No, to label you an ignorant commie slacker asshat based on so little information about you would be, at best, a hasty generalization and, at worst, mean.

But your expressed belief that Obama, a social activist for a while after law school and an inexperienced junior senator with no meaningful record, has the power to do all you say -- that ANYONE short of a ruthless dictator could accomplish your ridiculous laundry list -- tells me you're just that. But I won't label you an ignorant commie slacker asshat. That would be ungracious of me.

Have a nice day.


June 11 | Unregistered CommenterDoug

So why don't you just say what you mean, Doug.

Slightly harsh but I get your point.

June 11 | Unregistered CommenterSara

Hell, I thought that was great!! Think McCain will deport all the commies? I doubt it, but it would be a great thing to see!!

June 11 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

A very well written article. We will be watching McCain more closely as well.

June 11 | Unregistered CommenterTina and Jack

If I have to get a reaming, I hope it is as eloquent as that, Doug. Wow! No coming back from that!

June 12 | Unregistered CommenterTeddy

It wasn't my best day and I'm a bit embarrassed. Sorry if I offended anyone.


June 12 | Unregistered CommenterDoug

No need to apologize. You call it as you see it.

If I were to pigeon-hole him (which I won't cuz I wear a white hat) I might call him a lot worse. Besides, you are entitled to a meltdown from time to time. Makes you human.

BTW, I think the post is excellent!

June 12 | Unregistered CommenterJarrod P.

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