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13-Year-Old Spider Lures Flies To Jail - My $0.02

Armstrong and Getty were talking about this news story during their morning drive radio broadcast this morning and I had to shake my head. It’s wrong on so many levels, it’s hard to know what needs fixing first.

dean_story.jpgAccording to Alisha Dean’s MySpace page, she’s a 19-year-old divorced woman who describes herself as “S-E-X-Y”. Her posted photos, some showing her in various states of undress, present an enticing picture. And she apparently gets a good deal of attention from the page, proving the old adage: advertising pays.

Enter Morris Williams, 22, a young man who was attracted to Dean by her MySpace page. After a few telephone conversations, the two met (she picked him up on the street) and eventually they had sex. Dean confided that she wasn’t really 19, that she had actually just turned 18. Doesn’t sound like an uncommon scenario in today’s world, does it?

But Williams later discovered that Dean had lied, that she was actually a very mature looking 13-year-old! Horrified, he went to her father whom he believed would want to know about his daughter’s “shenanigans”. But instead of dealing with his daughter, who clearly needs some control and guidance in her life, Dean’s father reported Williams to police. He was arrested and sentenced to one year in jail, five years subsequent probation (during which he’ll wear an ankle bracelet) and required registration as a sexual predator.

But here’s the kicker. Dean had done the same thing before! Ask 24-year-old Darwin Mills who was sentenced to five years in prison after being enticed by Dean’s MySpace page!

So where do I start? Dean is clearly a sexual predator despite her young age,  guilty of fraud if nothing else. But…

But she’s obviously getting little or no parental guidance or control. Her “father” (and I use the term very loosely) says she still stays out late and that he hasn’t had her take down the dishonest and suggestive MySpace page. Because she’s only 13, she probably won’t be held legally responsible for her actions. But her parents can, and should be.

And what about the young men she’s victimized? (That’s right, they’re arguably stupid, but victims nonetheless.) What might they have done differently? Well, aside from abstaining from sex until well into their thirties, some argue that they shoulda-coulda asked for proof of her age, perhaps checked her “valid driver license” and/or “birth certificate”.

But what if she falsified those as well? Would they still be in jail? I’m betting they would, especially in Orange County, Florida, where this little whore (oh, wait, she’s not a whore - she gives it away) slut misguided child lives and where the courts are notorious for handing down stupid rulings.

No, in this case responsibility should fall squarely on the shoulders of the girl and her parents. Can’t control her? Then the state should require they send her to some place where she can receive some guidance. She’s clearly not getting any at home. If she continues down her present path into adulthood, she’ll be ill prepared to offer any positive contribution to society. Worse, her children will likely grow up just like her. But sending her “victims” to jail while allowing her behavior to go unchecked is absurd and unjust.

Are there more dumb flies that have been lured into her web? Probably, but it’s unlikely any will come forward. Will any get “caught” and end up in jail like Williams and Mills? If nothing else changes, if no one fills in the big pothole in the middle of the road, I’m betting on it.

Posted on Jun 3, 2008 at 11:00AM by Registered CommenterDoug in | Comments16 Comments

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Reader Comments (16)

I hear you, but Jeez, she is a 13 year old kid! The guys are scum bags. I don't know if they should have gotten prison and all, but they deserve some kind of punishment.

But her scumbag father should get something. I don't know what, but what a jackass! Makes me feel sorry for the girl, not forgiving her, but her parents need to parent her.

June 3 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

I think if the girl lied about her age, then the fellow should be 'let off'. That's not right.....he thought she was of age.

June 3 | Unregistered CommenterBoyzToyz

Enticing? She looks like a skank! Any guy who gets with her deserves what he gets.

June 3 | Unregistered CommenterLatisha

You sure that isn't a dude with implants?

June 3 | Unregistered CommenterJerry

...so the question begs....how long have you been surfing myspace, Doug?

June 3 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

When I was in school, "jailbait" meant 16 year olds and you could always tell they were 16 (though some were built). But 13 year olds weren't built like this one. And as I recall, they weren't so sexually inclined. (Neither were their big sisters). But this 100 times worse. I would hate to be a young guy today.

June 3 | Unregistered CommenterKramer

If this is her same Myspace page, she is now claiming to be 16 and "chillin at da bar in Daytona". (May be a second page. This one is private except to "friends" - wink wink).


June 3 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

I think the law is good policy. If you're going to mess with young girls, you best be sure they are of legal age.

As the article states, the goal is to protect young girls who cannot protect themselves. Kids make stupid decisions, including lying about their age.

If we make ignorance, or even lies by the victim a defense, the victim is going to become a witness in every case, and that victim is often going to be influenced either by threats or feelings for the older person.

This is an extreme case, and I sympathize with the guy, but it's pretty much the law in every state that if you mess with young girls, no matter what your mindset, you're in trouble.

June 3 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

I'm not talking about a rigid law that has to cover every situation. I'm talking about THIS case. In THIS case it's pretty obvious she was lying, so THIS time in THIS case THIS guy shouldn't be going to jail.

In fact, her FATHER should be investigated for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

June 3 | Unregistered CommenterJerry

Michael: Only when I'm trolling for promiscuous 13-year-old girls. You?


June 3 | Unregistered CommenterDoug

This is why I require my dates to provide at least 2 forms of ID and have them sign a form to confirm they are of legal age, with two witnesses present.

June 3 | Unregistered CommenterNewbieNoob

Wow, you sound like a fun date!

June 3 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

How would you feel if every girl you asked out required a clean health certificate and a signed document (witnessed) swearing you haven't slept with anyone since the health checkup? And btw that you are at least 18?

June 3 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

You know, ya gotta draw the line somewhere, but I'm old fashioned.
I only go to dial-up billboards when I'm trolling...and I absolutely draw the line at age 15. You have to have standards!
Although, I admit..there's not as many 15 year olds on dial up billboards as there used to be.....

June 3 | Unregistered CommenterMichael

I know of a guy currently on probation because his 16 year old girlfriends parents did not like their daughter having sex with her 18 year old high school boyfriend. The young man received 10 years probation and now has to register as a sex offender. 4 years later the couple is still together, married, and have a lovely baby. He is still on probation and still has to register as a sex offender. Now tell me there is not something wrong with that.

June 4 | Unregistered Commentershortbus


In our justice system, we usually choose to err on the side of presumed innocence. We'd rather a guilty person go free than to wrongly convict an innocent one.

But where CPS is concerned, it's ass backwards. They'd rather send some poor smuck kid to jail (in some cases) than take the slightest chance that a guilty one might get off.

CPS has become the gestapo of our day.


June 5 | Unregistered CommenterDoug

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