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McCain '08 - Embrace the Suck

Senator Barack Obama has claimed the Democratic presidential nomination having secured enough delegates and pledged super-delegates to claim victory. Of course, technically, this assumes that the supers all vote as they say they will, and they are free to change their minds. So, no doubt we’ll continue to hear debate on this subject until either the convention or Hillary steps down.

Meanwhile, I’m assuming it’s pretty much a done deal. I’ve said before that I could never vote for Hillary. And I can’t vote for Obama because I see him as a racist, a Marxist and an empty suit. So despite some serious misgivings about McCain, I guess he’s my choice. Here’s my bumper sticker…


I know we sometimes take for granted our right to free and open elections in this country. But stop and think about it. We grumble openly about the candidates but hold their feet to the fire in order to make an informed decision about who will guide our country. It’s an infinitely important process and an invaluable right. I’m grateful that I live in a country where we are all free to help chart our own destiny.

This is a Patriot’s Journey post. Remember to check out the other Patriotic Journeyers: Drumwaster, The Bastage, the folks at The Line Is Here and Shortbus from The Edge of Reason

Posted on Jun 4, 2008 at 08:00AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , , | Comments12 Comments

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Reader Comments (12)

"Embrace the suck." That is a good way to look at McCain. He may not be perfect, but he sure as hell is better than the dim's offerings.

June 4 | Unregistered CommenterTodd E.

I probably should have explained for the benefit of our non-military readers that "Embrace the suck" is a raw epigram, military slang meaning, roughly, "Face it, soldier, I've been there. This ain't easy. Now let's deal with it." I've used it here with tongue placed firmly in cheek.

McCain may not be a perfect candidate (none ever are) but he would bring valuable experience to the task that neither Clinton nor Obama can offer. Our president should guide the country within the framework of the Constitution and command our military, not lead us further into socialism. So come on, folks. Embrace the suck!


June 4 | Unregistered CommenterDoug

I agree, Doug, Obama will be the Dem candidate. I just wish McCain was a better speaker. I know, we're not choosing our president based on his ability to "sound" like he knows what he's talking about (though the list of gafs by Obama is long). Still, McCain could be smoother. On the good side, though, he's not an effing lawyer!

June 4 | Unregistered CommenterTeddy

That should be McCain's campaign motto!

June 4 | Unregistered CommenterKermit Frog

Yours is better, but here is another bumper sticker from Kim du Toit.

June 4 | Unregistered CommenterBrady

Is that available as a bumper sticker? If it is, I HAVE to get one! Where are they available? I googled but can't find one.

June 4 | Unregistered CommenterUncle Al


It is a great country that allows us to laugh at our candidates without fear of retribution.

ROFLMAO!! I want that bumper sticker too. let me know whaere to get one!!

June 4 | Unregistered CommenterJake D.

Is it too early to start discussion of who McCain's running mate might/should be?

June 4 | Unregistered CommenterHookercrook


I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't recall where I got this. It may have been at patriotpost.us but I don't see it there now. If I remember where I found it, I'll let you know.


It's traditionally too early for McCain, although he's a maverick and I would argue that doing so sooner than later (pre-Obama) would conceivably be a good move for him IF he picks Sarah Palin. That said, WE can certainly bat around ideas for a short list. Who do you like?


June 4 | Unregistered CommenterDoug


THAT'S where I got it: from Shortbus at the edge of reason! He's provided a link to Freedom Sight where a similar one can be ordered. If I find a source for this one, I'll post it here.


June 4 | Registered CommenterDoug

I have heard that expression (Embrace the Suck) many times and never really understood what it means. I guess I though it meant liking something crappy. Thanks for clarifying!

June 5 | Unregistered CommenterCheryl

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