An Obama-Clinton Ticket?
I’m a little surprised to hear msm buzz about the possibility of an Obama-Clinton ticket. I mean, a racist/Marxist paired with a shrill socialist? C’mon, people! Don’t drink the coolaid!
Anyway, someone sent this to me when Obama and Hill were still slamming each other to get the Democratic party’s nod, but I never got around to posting it. Now I’ve forgotten who sent it, but with at least a few sheeple (the ones who would take Hillary any way they can get her) pining for a destructive duo ticket, it seems even more appropriate.
Reader Comments (8)
THAT's just what the country needs - destruction from within! These two would convert us to a Marxist socialist republic before we even knew what hit us! All those whineres who want givment to take care of them would get their wish. But remember the saying, beware of what you wish for, you just might get it? They wouildn't like it!
What a collossal mistake that would be for all of us! I shudder at the very thought!
No one could hate Bush enough to consider allowing such a terrible thing to happen!
It is less about that as about doing whatever it takes to beat the Republicans at ANY cost! They think Hillary voters and Obama voters together can beat McCain. Personally I think it would be self destructive for the Democratic party. McCain may be unpredictable at this point, at least he brings some experience and a military background to the table. Junior Senators Obama and McCain bring only disdain for our system and a foolish belief that socialism would be better.
It would mean the end of civilization as we know it!
At least we would have good speakers! That would be refreshing!
LOL!!! Hope Nope!!! Good one!!!
I love it! Simple and to the point!
I bet they would kill each other!