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Airline Says Weigh More, Pay More


1091762-1636689-thumbnail.jpgI suppose it was only a matter of time. Philadelphians opened their newspapers Friday to ads trumpeting new airline Derrie-Air’s announced policy to charge passengers “by the pound” reasoning that “it takes more fuel to move heavier objects.”

Derrie-Air’s sample rates range from $1.40 per pound to fly from Philadelphia to Chicago, to $2.25 per pound to fly from Philadelphia to Los Angeles. Philadelphia Media Holdings spokesman Jay Devine said “there’s already buzz about the campaign…”

It’s a radical plan, but not surprising with fuel prices sky-rocketing and airlines scrambling to eek out a profit. Other airlines have announced plans to charge passengers for second checked bags, with one airline planning to charge for each checked bag.

Derrie-Air claims to be the world’s only carbon-neutral luxury airline, and it justifies its fare policy by pledging to plant trees to offset every pound of carbon its planes release into the atmosphere. That may help appease green travelers, but other passengers may not be as receptive.

You can read more at flyderrie-air.com and in this SFGate news story.

Posted on Jun 10, 2008 at 03:00PM by Registered CommenterDoug in , , | Comments10 Comments

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Reader Comments (10)

This is ridiculous! Charging more for someone just because they are built different than someone else is discrimination! So would they charge me 15 pounds extra because I am carrying an infant who doesn't occupy a seat?

June 10 | Unregistered CommenterPam

Pam, I think maybe you didn't read the whole thing.

June 10 | Unregistered CommenterTodd E.

I think that is where the airlines are headed, Pam. And they will charge for the diaper bags and other paraphernalia too. I have heard rumors there may be an extra fee if the baby cries as well.

June 10 | Unregistered CommenterTeddy

That won't ever get implemented. There is no way they could collect a crying fee and they would never get the flight attendants to collect it it cash. What if the mother had no cash?

June 10 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

You guys are pulling her leg!! Shame on you!!

This is an advertising test of some kind to get recognition for a brand. It isn't real!! It is explained in the news story and on the web site.

June 10 | Unregistered CommenterLacy

ROFLMAO!!!! Can't believe anyone fell for this!!!

June 10 | Unregistered CommenterTroy

In all fairness to Pam, it looks kinda real the way it is shown on the post. It is not tipped off until you go to one of the links.

June 10 | Unregistered CommenterKermit Frog

Thank you kermit! I was feeling pretty silly. I didn't read the rest of the story so I guess I learned a lesson. How embarrassing!

June 10 | Unregistered CommenterPam

You mean the airline's name "Derrie-Air" (derriere) or the ad saying "Nice Tail" didn't give the spoof away?

Sorry, I shouldn't laugh. I have misinterpreted things when I was in a hurry too! Just having a little fun at your expense, no offense, ok?

June 10 | Unregistered CommenterGabe

I will admit if no one else will. I didn't pay attention to the name or look close at the tail ad so I thought it was a real thing until I read the news piece and then the rest of the web site. So don't feel bad Pam, you weren't the only one even if no one else will admit it.

June 10 | Unregistered CommenterLauren

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