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Hamas' Steep Learning Curve

Michael Ramirez penned this editorial cartoon for Inverstors Business Daily that sums up, in some respects, the difficulty Israel faces in dealing with Hamas.

Yet I’m amazed at the way the conflict is portrayed in the media. The rockets being fired daily into Israel are small, they report, only killing a few Israelis at a time, while Israel is (finally) fighting back with bigger rockets. No fair! Yet Hamas keeps firing their rockets, hoping to win the propaganda war.

As I drive past the State Capitol each day, I see the moonbats marching around with their signs protesting Israel’s “aggression”. And the Sacramento Bee obediently “reports” their message. I suspect if Hamas was shelling downtown Sacramento every day, the Bee would be whistling a different tune.

On second thought, probably not.

Posted on Jan 14, 2009 at 08:00AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , | Comments8 Comments

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Reader Comments (8)

That says it all in a single picture. Hamas has one main goal in life and its programed into them. Eliminate Israel. The msm reporting as though Israel is the aggressor is twisted. They took the Hamas atacks as long as they could hoping diplomacy would work. When it didn't, they are now fighting back. What choice do they have? Most countries would have done it much sooner.

January 14 | Unregistered Commenterqwerkjh

What the media doesn't seem to get is that this isn't a board game where one side gets to lob a rocket at the other and then the other country gets to lob one back so long as it isn't any bigger, and lobbing a second rocket before your next turn is against the rules. No, this is real war, killing people. The rule is protect yourself. That may include blowing the attacker up which is exactly what Israel should do.

January 14 | Unregistered CommenterJason Bigg

A bit of humour buried under a horrible situation. I think the Israelis have every right to retaliate after so much provocation.

January 14 | Unregistered CommenterFrank B.

I fail to understand people protesting against Israel when it was Palestine who has been initiating war by firing rockets for months into Israel. What are the Israelis supposed to do, just grin and bear it? It would seem that is what our media wants us to believe.

January 14 | Unregistered CommenterHookercrook

Right, you can bet that if a state in the US was getting shelled by Hamas, we would retaliate big time!

January 14 | Unregistered CommenterLacy

I have heard that what Hamas wants to do is escalate a nuclear war to bring the "end of days" and they don't mind dying for their cause. You can't negotiate away that kind of fanaticism. You must defeat it.

January 14 | Unregistered CommenterOrson

Remarkable and frustrating to people who think evil doesn't exist. These people are evil. Only one way to deal with fanatics and it isn't trying to convert them.

January 14 | Unregistered Commenterkrowski

I see protesters on the news every night, always protesting that Israel is the aggressor and the Gaza Palestinian people (who elected Hamas to govern them btw) are all just poor, peace loving people who shouldn't be blamed for the actions of their government against the evil Israelis. Makes me sick! What is wrong with our press?

January 15 | Unregistered Commentersharon
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