Reflections and Resolutions Revisited
The New Year, they say, is about reflections, resolutions and high hopes for the future. We take time to reflect on the year just ended and look hopefully ahead toward the fresh new year just beginning. Too often, admittedly, our reflections are about last year’s uncompleted list of resolutions and, yes, I’m just as guilty as anyone.
Admittedly, 2008 was a challenging year for many of us – hopefully 2009 will be better. But being the optimist you know me to be, I’m working hard to stay positive about the coming year. Color me “hopeful”.
I hope California’s government and citizens find ways to work together for the good of the people and that the politics of negativity get buried beneath the overwhelming swell of goodwill that cooperation fosters.
I hope 2009 brings us closer to a lasting peace in the Middle East and a positive conclusion to the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are good things happening in the region – we need to acknowledge and expand upon them. I hope the conflict between Israel and Palestine is resolved without more bloodshed.
I look forward with hope - and some trepidation - to the coming year. I expect it to be difficult, but I have the love of an amazing woman whom I cherish, children I am proud of, beautiful grandchildren I adore, and wonderful friends I respect and appreciate. I still look forward to retirement and more time with family and friends, good health, and greater opportunity for Dawn and I to continue checking things off “our list.”
I’m an optimist. I see the year ahead filled, not with problems, but with challenges and opportunities, the glass half full rather than half empty. Thank you everyone for helping make our 2008 all it could be. Dawn and I wish you all a safe, healthy and prosperous 2009.
Reader Comments (11)
Onward and Upward, Goombah!
NIcely said. It was a difficult year and people will be discussing it and writing about the financial debacle for years to come. I am afraid that things haven't bottomed out yet though. Like you, I am hopeful that we will all survive 2009 and that things begin to pick up before year end with 2010 a great year for everybody.
I hope you are right about 2009 being a better year than 08 was. Cheryl was laid off in October and hasn't found a new job yet so things are really tight right now. We are praying for a better year.
You hiring in California?
I'm with you, hoping and wishing for a better year. We struggled to make our annual nut, missed widely, and have started lay offs. We hate to do it but what else can we do when they are saying that we won't see recovery any time soon. Sucks.
Wish I had a second career skill. Real estate is in the dumper and there isn't a great outlook for 2009. I may have to take a second job flipping burgers to make ends meet. (Kidding, I HOPE I find something a little better than a burger flipper!)
A nice post Doug :) I hope we are surprised and 2009 is the year we recover. I think we all learned some lessons about taking things for granted. We have cut back so far already but there is more that we have to do. I know we won't be so cavalier once we get back on our feet.
God bless us every one and may 2009 be our year of recovery. And I hope we all learned our lesson and will require more of our law makers in oversight and regulation of the big industries, banks and Wall Street. Never again!
Half full? My glass is empty right now and so are lots of other peoples glasses empty.
There are people who are responsible for doing this to us. Why aren't they hanging from the yardarms? That is what I want to see in 2009!
If you ask me, 2009 is going to be the year we "bottom out" as an economy. There will have to be more suffering and more anger before we do what needs to be done -- clean out the incompetents in Washington who allowed this to happen, even when there were some who warned. I hope in 2009 we start a movement to oust the Barney Franks and Chris Dodds and Obama too if he swings the wrong way in handling this mess.
I share your hopes. 2008 sucked and 2009 may too but I hope it's at least better than last year.
I am getting worried though. Obama just announced he would appoint Leon Paneta to head the CIA and some CNN medical correspondent to be Surgeon General.
In Paneta's case, he has no security experience and this is a time of war. A bureaucrat to head a security agency! What a poor choice!
As for SG, I would have suggested a more seasoned doctor, maybe one that heads a prestigious hospital. A CNN correspondent? ???
I think Obama is demonstrating his lack of experience, just like conservatives feared he would. If this continues, I am worried about the next 4 years!
I prefer to stay positive and optimistic until I see otherwise. I am expecting a good year! Think positive folks!