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Three Shots of Jose Cuervo and...

Thanks Michael!

Posted on Feb 2, 2009 at 11:00AM by Registered CommenterDoug in | Comments12 Comments

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Reader Comments (12)

I have woke up after a night out to a surprise, but not this big a surprise and never after only three shots and a beer. Must be a lightweight :)))

February 2 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Taylor

Shame on you!


February 2 | Unregistered CommenterTina & Jack

Been there, done that.

(In my young and stupid days)

February 2 | Unregistered CommenterKevin O.

Hey that is the lyrics to a kool country song! (You probably knew that. Never mind.)

February 2 | Unregistered CommenterSandy G.


February 2 | Unregistered Commenterert987

You are kidding, right? You must be talking about the tequila. If you have never experienced this and can't relate, you will when you reach puberty.

February 2 | Unregistered CommenterTeddy

Ow! You mortally wounded me! (NOT)

February 2 | Unregistered Commenterert987

Tequila and beer - The new date rape drug that works on guys.

February 2 | Unregistered CommenterKevin O.

3 shots and a beer, must be some potent tequila :D

February 2 | Unregistered CommenterBetty B.

I love that song !

February 2 | Unregistered CommenterLindsay

Way too funny and brings back some 'unfortunate' memories :)

February 3 | Unregistered CommenterHoratio

Yep. me too. Been there don't want to go back!

February 3 | Unregistered CommenterRyan
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