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Subliminal Message?

This photo from Zeke screams for a caption. Anyone?

Posted on Oct 2, 2008 at 10:00AM by Registered CommenterDoug in , | Comments14 Comments

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Reader Comments (14)

r u saying oregonians have lo i.q.s? or lo i.q. people r 4 obama? either way u show ur prejudices.

October 2 | Unregistered Commenterotatr45

Funny :)))))

October 2 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

LMAO that is too funny! I think you already nailed the best caption.

October 2 | Unregistered Commenterrightofcenter

"What does 'lowiq' spell?"

October 2 | Unregistered Commenterindifferent101

How about: "Hmmmmm....'low wick'....what does that mean"?

October 2 | Unregistered Commenterindifferent101

Can't be a real plate. I think Photoshop. No one would put that on their car. Bot the implication is funny.

October 2 | Unregistered Commenterpandabear

"Redundant Plate"

October 2 | Unregistered CommenterRandy

OTR45: "r u saying oregonians have lo i.q.s? or lo i.q. people r 4 obama? either way u show ur prejudices."

C'mon, I'm not "saying" anything. It's a funny photo. Take some sensitivity management classes.

October 2 | Unregistered CommenterDoug

I thought Oregon was a "green" state.

How about "Gas guzzling SUV driving Oregonians for Obama".

October 2 | Unregistered CommenterFred Walker

Elect Jeff Merkely to the Senate? After nearly 10 years of tax increase votes? No wonder Obama endorses him! I guess more = change.

Having voted to raise billions (that's Billions with a capital B)of dollars in higher taxes and fees in Oregon, State Rep. Jeff Merkley wants to raise billions more by running for the Senate. Few people in the legislature are more aggressive about passing new taxes than Jeff Merkley!

Oregonians: Want even more taxes? Vote for Obama and for Merkely.

October 2 | Unregistered CommenterRudy

How republican.

October 3 | Unregistered Commenterjhgyt72

i am offended by the little mexican dog decals on his bumper.

October 3 | Unregistered Commenterwinston w.

Being from Oregon I should be offended but I can't stop laughing!

October 4 | Unregistered Commenterpepsiplease

Now that is ironic humor!

October 6 | Unregistered CommenterBen E.
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